Archive for 2008

BRING IT ON: “Nuclear power plants smaller than a garden shed and able to power 20,000 homes will be on sale within five years, say scientists at Los Alamos, the US government laboratory which developed the first atomic bomb. The miniature reactors will be factory-sealed, contain no weapons-grade material, have no moving parts and will be nearly impossible to steal because they will be encased in concrete and buried underground.”

Plus, they’ll be greenhouse-friendly! If America cares about the environment, we’ll deploy them everywhere! Yeah, there are a few skeptics out there, but we’ve got to show the audacity of hope on this project.

BRING IT ON: “Nuclear power plants smaller than a garden shed and able to power 20,000 homes will be on sale within five years, say scientists at Los Alamos, the US government laboratory which developed the first atomic bomb. The miniature reactors will be factory-sealed, contain no weapons-grade material, have no moving parts and will be nearly impossible to steal because they will be encased in concrete and buried underground.”

Plus, they’ll be greenhouse-friendly! If America cares about the environment, we’ll deploy them everywhere! Yeah, there are a few skeptics out there, but we’ve got to show the audacity of hope on this project.

IN THE HARTFORD COURANT, more on the Chris Dodd mortgage scandal:

As the Democrats moved toward victory at the end of October, a story by NBC’s Lisa Myers set Dodd apart from his triumphant fellow Democrats. Myers reported that federal agents are investigating the notorious “Friends of Angelo” list maintained by subprime mortgage giant Countrywide Financial’s co-founder Angelo Mozilo. Dodd was the most prominent member of that exclusive club.

Since the Dodd story broke in June, the five-term senator has offered contradictory fragments of explanations and intentions. Scheherazade after a six-pack of Red Bull would not have told more desperate tales. Dodd gallops the gamut from calling the allegations of special treatment “outrageous” to pledging repeatedly and specifically to release documents related to the $800,000 in sweetheart deals he got from Countrywide.

Still claiming “there’s nothing there,” Dodd refuses to say whether his Senate campaign committee’s payments of $60,000 last summer to a Washington law firm, which has a history of representing Democratic senators in trouble, were for his defense in the Senate ethics investigation of his dealings with Countrywide.

Read the whole thing.

OBAMA VS. PELOSI: “Barack Obama obviously has thought carefully about mistakes made by previous Democratic presidential winners who wrongly believed a Congress controlled by their own party would help make them a success.” Yes, as I noted before, I think the Rahm Emanuel pick is evidence of that.

ANN ALTHOUSE: How McCain Lost Me.

What’s interesting is that, days after the election, he’s still losing people: “Sen. McCain did not allow a nanosecond to go buy without issuing a sanctimonious, full-throated condemnation of any Republican who dared use Sen. Obama’s middle name, mention Jeremiah Wright, or otherwise trash The One. So where is the vigorous defense of his running-mate? I’m sorry Obama won, but I’m not weeping that we won’t have these fabulously honorable guys running the place — and running down their own — for the next four years.”


Here’s one item: “Pay attention to the government’s budget constraint.”

PUBLIC OR PRIVATE? Where will the Obama girls go to school? Here’s a hint: “The girls now attend the University of Chicago’s Lab School, an elite private school.”

DO YOU HAVE A LICENSE to move that chair? “In 22 states, including Arkansas, it is illegal to call yourself an interior designer without going through an arduous and expensive certification process. In Nevada, it’s illegal to do interior design without a license. That’s right, advising someone about drapes could land you in the hoosegow.”


If, as some social scientists have been telling us, 88 percent of whites have an “implicit bias” against blacks and in favor of whites, and if, according to exit polls, whites made up 74 percent of the voters on Tuesday, why is Barack Obama going to be the next president?

I’m afraid I can’t make that math work out, so I’ve got another question: Was this election a landslide defeat for the researchers labeling most Americans as “unconscious” racists?

Yes, but that won’t go away so long as there’s a political market for it. Besides, there are still some people screaming the N-word — they’re just not in Mississippi . . . .

MORE ON THE PROP. 8 REACTION, from Michael Petrelis. Plus, more here.

ROGER SIMON AND LIONEL CHETWYND’S POLIWOOD: Topic: How will Hollywood respond to the Obama presidency? The U.S. government can’t be the bad guy anymore. But who’ll be the enemy?

It’s right here, in both HD and Flash versions, and either way it’s free without registration being required. (Bumped).

MORE CHARGES OF FRAUD in the Minnesota recount. “The election seems to be in the process of being stolen, and the media are either bemused or, as in this incredibly stupid AP story by Brian Bakst, preparing the battlefield for the theft. “