Archive for 2008


RICK MORAN: If elected, Obama will be my President. “An Obama election will mean changes – not all of them for the better. So be it. We will fight like hell against what we believe to be wrong. But we [will] not do it by trying to delegitimize the elected president.”

IT JUST GETS WORSE: ACORN Registers Mickey Mouse. That’s the headline on Drudge. Again, where’s the Department of Justice on this? Have they somehow overlooked these stories?

THE EXAMINER: FEC Should Start Obama Audit Now.

Turns out that “Doodad Pro” and “Good Will” are not the only phony contributors to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. The New York Times finally bestirred itself to apply some basic investigative journalism attention to the Democratic presidential nominee’s donor list. The Times found nearly 3,000 other questionable donors like “Jgtj Jfggjjfgj” and “Dirty West” after what the paper admitted was just a cursory look at the Illinois senator’s September financial filings. But then Times reporters Michael Luc and Griff Palmer revealed an incredible level of naivety by stating “it is unclear why someone making a political donation would want to enter a false name.”

Unclear? What other motive could there be for using a phony name and a nonexistent address to make multiple small donations using a single credit card than to evade U.S. election laws? Such journalistic gullibility may explain why bloggers have been on this story for months and the Times is only now noticing. . . . The FEC’s primary job is to protect the integrity of our federal election process. With this many red flags flying and barely three week left before election day, there’s no time to lose if voters are to have all the information at hand before casting their ballots.

The whole deal does seem rather shady. But it’s amazing what you can get away with when the press is totally in the tank.

CANDIDATES RUSH TO rescue oil companies: “With the price of petroleum having fallen from almost $150 per barrel last summer to about $81, the campaigns of both Barack Obama and John McCain rushed to outline their respective plans to rescue beleaguered oil companies from nose-diving profits and earnings.” Heh. It’s about time!

JIM HOFT: The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud. “They register dead people, but that’s not all.” So where’s the Department of Justice on this?

UPDATE: Where is the Justice Department? Apparently, not responding to complaints. Advice to The Virginian: It might be better to call or write than to email . . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Nathan Woods emails: “One aspect of the voter registration fraud I haven’t seen addressed is how their tactics are akin to a paper DOS attack. Take my personal situation as an example I moved to a different county in the Atlanta metro area, from Dekalb to Fulton, in the middle of September, which means I was submitting my voter registration/change of address form quite close to the deadline. Now imagine the same scenario in one of these cities in the news. Will there be time for the legitimate voters to get registered when the election boards are so busy with the incredible number of phonies overwhelming the system?”

U.S. ASTRONAUTS, getting to know the Russians: “Star City has become an important second home for Americans working with their Russian counterparts, and it is about to become more important still. During the five-year gap after NASA shuts down the space shuttle program in 2010 and the next generation of spacecraft makes its debut by 2015, Russia will have the only ride for humans to the station. . . . Those who work side by side with their Russian counterparts say that strong relationships and mutual respect have resulted from the many years of collaboration. And they say that whatever the broader geopolitical concerns about relying on Russia for space transportation during the five years when the United States cannot get to the space station on its own rockets, they believe that the multinational partnership that built the station will hold.” Let’s hope.

NEWS FROM GEORGIA: “Russian troops must withdraw from the areas inside South Ossetia and Abkhazia previously controlled by Georgian authorities, namely the Akhalgori district and the Kodori valley, Hansjorg Haber, the head of the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) told EUobserver. With the Russians having dismantled their checkpoints from Georgian territory two days ahead of the 10 October deadline, the EU’s mission to Georgia does not end, Mr Haber said, adding that it has a one-year mandate which also includes ‘confidence building measures’ and efforts to ‘normalize’ the situation

OBAMA: Make women register for the draft. I oppose conscription, but if it happens, we should probably include women, too. Seems only fair.

MORE REPORTS OF MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD BY ACORN. “They turn in 5000 new voter registration forms in Indiana, election officials start checking them and give up after the first 2100 were found to be fraudulent.” Where’s the Department of Justice on this? CNN report below.

UPDATE: Reader Bill Hesson writes: “I watched the clip you linked. Couldn’t tell from the report. Does ACORN work more closely with one party/candidate than another? Heh.” Heh, indeed.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Robert Mayer emails: “That post regarding ACORN was absolutely astounding to me. I know that there have been problems with voter fraud in America. It has existed since the ballot box. But what ACORN is doing, with 1.3 million voter registrations turned in nationwide, is akin to what I have seen in places like Belarus. All 1.3 million of those registrations should be considered suspect. If the voting process is allowed to become so derelict, then we don’t deserve to be any better off than a third world despotism. And eventually, we won’t be.” Some people would like it that way.

BRIAN ANDERSON: The Coming Counterrevolution To Hush The Alternative Media. “Conservative-friendly media better get ready. Should Barack Obama win the presidency and the Democrats control Congress, as now seems likely, they will launch a full-scale war to drive critics — especially on political talk radio — right out of legitimate public debate.”

If they bring back the Fairness Doctrine, I think I’ll start an organization to flood the FCC with complaints whenever there’s media bias from any of the big networks. Then we’ll follow up and see how they respond . . . Given the way the news has been reported this year, the Fairness Doctrine could easily backfire on the Dems.

MELINDA HENNEBERGER: “Please tell me that this conversation re: the ‘small-town mentality’ and presumption of intellect based on proximity to the great minds of the Ivy League is some kind of parody; the whole smarter-than-thou thing is part of why people at those McCain-Palin rallies are so angry.”

THE FED IS FLOODING EUROPE WITH DOLLARS to shore up European central banks. “What began last December as a $24 billion arrangement between the Fed, the ECB and Swiss central bank was boosted over the past year to $620 billion and broadened to additional countries.” I remain worried about inflation a few months down the line.

MORE ON THE MAHONEY SCANDAL: Reader Jerry Long writes: “Remember the way Rahm Emanuel was screaming about Foley, now he is involved with trying to cover up Mahoney. I guess it’s ok if it’s a Democrat.” And sure enough there’s this from ABC News: “Senior Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives, including Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), the chair of the Democratic Caucus, have been working with Mahoney to keep the matter from hurting his re-election campaign, the Mahoney staffers said.”

BEER AT BURGER KING: At least, at their new Whopper Bar locations.

KEEPING THING SAFE with dangerous tools. The nailgun X-ray is kind of cool, so long as it’s not of you or anyone you know . . . .