Archive for October, 2008

MAKING HER PAJAMAS TV DEBUT, the Insta-Wife talked about “going John Galt” — and Bill Whittle decided that I’m a “himbo,” which caused her to break down in peals of laughter. Video is free to everybody.



Shocked, Shocked for Barack! The cheapest out if your’e a previously McCain-friendly pundit who wants to endorse Obama is to say you like McCain but can’t vote for him because you’re revolted by his campaign. It’s an out elaborately developed by Joe Klein at Time, and it’s an out Anne Applebaum takes in Tuesday’s WaPo. . . . The problem with the “I’m repulsed” argument is that while it’s eminently respectable it’s unserious.

Especially when McCain’s campaign is compared with Obama’s campaign.

PATRICK RUFFINI: What It Will Take to Build a Rightroots Movement.

UPDATE: Some thoughts from MarkTapscott. “The RightRoots must make a top priority of equiping vastly more of our sites with the reportorial and investigative skills required to dig up and present credible exposes, fact-based analyses and concrete news stories. In short, we’ve complained about liberal media bias for decades, but now that the mainstream media is steadily being displaced by online media, many of us need to become ….. journalists, or capable of doing the online analogy of traditional journalism, particularly in its investigative phase.”

RICHARD FERNANDEZ: “Europe and America will meet such fates as they choose. However long they’ve lived in liberty; however ancient their constitutional guarantees, they can choose unfreedom in a moment.”

BILL QUICK: “I cannot, in my lifetime, recall a time when the polls were as all over the place, and as contradictory.”

MCCAIN’S keys to the Keystone State. I’d say one of ’em’s named John Murtha . . . .

POLITICO: Conservatives plan secret post-election strategy session. Well, not that secret, apparently. But it makes sense for them to meet, regardless of who gets elected. After all, given McCain’s tendency to reach across the aisle, they’ll have to keep the pressure on even if he wins.


A former staffer for an affiliate of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now testified today that the organization was provided a “donor list” from the presidential campaign of Barack Obama in late 2007 for fundraising efforts.

Anita Moncrief, a former Washington, D.C. staffer for Project Vote, which she described as a sister organization of ACORN, said her supervisor told her the list of campaign contributors came from the Obama campaign. Moncrief said she has a copy of a “development plan” that outlines how Obama contributors who had “maxed out” under federal contribution limits would be targeted to give to Project Vote, and that it was her job to identify such contributors.

Moncrief testified that ACORN and Project Vote were virtually identical.

Some enterprising reporter should ask Obama about this at his next press conference. Oh, wait . . . .

GAFFE-TASTIC: The Obama Campaign is hidin’ Biden.

IT’S NOT JOE THE PLUMBER THIS TIME, but here’s more improper use of public records:

Delaware State Police stopped Alvina Vansickle from purchasing a .22-caliber pistol for self-defense because she was too old and a woman, said Superintendent Col. Thomas MacLeish.

The outrage that followed led to the revelation that Delaware State Police had been keeping lists of gun buyers for years; state law requires them to destroy these records after 60 days.

Will anyone go to jail for this? Will anyone lose their job?

OBAMA FLUNKS A POP-CULTURE TEST, but the bigger gaffe, as a reader notes, is this: “Didn’t Obama realize Fred Sanford & George Jefferson are both Small Business Owners?”

THE POPULAR MECHANICS EDITORS announce their ten favorite cars.