Archive for August, 2008

IT’S AN UN-CONVENTIONAL CONVENTION. What will I talk about tomorrow? I guess lots of folks are asking the same. At least it’s not the same-old same-old.

THE NEWS ON GUSTAV IS LOOKING BETTER: Brendan Loy is keeping track.


THE WASHINGTON POST REPORTS that the Palin Pick was in the works for a while. Ed Morrissey has some thoughts.

NEW WAYS TO sift data.


“We may be seeing the first woman president. As a Democrat, I am reeling,” said Camille Paglia, the cultural critic. “That was the best political speech I have ever seen delivered by an American woman politician. Palin is as tough as nails.”

I’m scoring it as good, but with an asterisk. . . .

POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE, THE WIKIPEDIA WAY: “If you’d been watching Wikipedia you might have gotten an advance tipoff of Friday’s announcement that McCain was selecting Sarah Palin. ‘At approximately 5 p.m. ET (Thursday), the company’s analysts noticed a spike in the editing traffic to Palin’s Wiki page, and that some of the same Wiki users appeared to be making changes to McCain’s page.'” So the smart thing to do would have been to make some edits to Romney and Pawlenty, too . . .

I’M HERE, and it didn’t take me quite as long to get through security as it took to fly from Knoxville, but it felt like it took longer. I’m at the Pajamas TV booth, overlooking the Xcel Center where the convention will take place. They’re still setting up and testing equipment, while everybody wonders what’s going to happen in response to Gustav.


HABITATS FOR HUMANITY: “‘Design for extreme environments’ sounds like a new cable show, but it’s actually a class at RISD that focuses on building habitats for truly challenging locations—like the moon. Last fall, NASA asked the students to design a mobile dwelling for its next manned mission to the moon, scheduled for 2020.”

THANKS TO THE MIRACLE OF SCHEDULED POSTING, new stuff will keep popping up today. But I’m en route to Minnesota where I’ll be a TV pundit for Pajamas TV. It should be fun. I’ve never been to a political convention, and never planned to go to one, but how often do you get to be a TV talking-head at a national political convention? And I think this Internet TV thing has a future, so it’s fun to see it at the beginning. [Are they paying you to do this? — ed. As much as I get paid for any of the TV appearances I do! Which means, er, no.]