Archive for April, 2008

JOHN FUND ON THE SUPREME COURT AND VOTER FRAUD: We had a podcast interview with Fund on this topic a while back; it’s here.

HEH. The biter, bit. “It seems that white feminists and Leftists are a big bunch of racists, too. . . . White Privilege was to blame… No wonder Amanda Marcotte thinks Free Will is overrated.” Yeah, I linked to Goldstein on the general topic, but this was worth a link of its own.



And yes, this is a real church sign; I took this picture on Highway 30 between Athens and Dayton back in 2004.

UPDATE: A big Wright coverage roundup from Tom Maguire.

THEY TOLD ME THAT IF GEORGE W. BUSH WERE RE-ELECTED, famous scientists would be punished for daring to dissent from politico-religious orthodoxy. And they were right!

AT TALKLEFT, A REZKO UPDATE: “A former associate of Tony Rezko’s testified at his trial today that Rezko told him U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald would be replaced and the investigation into his conduct would end. . . . The Sun Times also reports that the Judge and lawyers have been working hard to keep Barack Obama’s name from surfacing in the trial.” The good news for Obama: Jeremiah Wright is diverting all the attention to himself, and away from Rezko!

WHEN RADICAL MUSLIMS become moderate.

BEING PRESIDENT: Not all it’s quacked up to be.

WELL, I DO TRY. It’s nice to see some law professors notice, and even point out that this isn’t as easy as it looks.

TAKING “VIRAL MARKETING” A BIT TOO LITERALLY: I’ve been getting emails from all sorts of people about a site called “” Turns out they didn’t send them. did, after perusing their address books:

As part of the process, she submitted her name, gender, e-mail address, birth date and ZIP Code.

Then Schmidt came to a page saying that “we’ll find your friends and family who are already members and also automatically invite any nonmembers to join (it’s free!).” It instructed her to enter the password for her Yahoo e-mail account.

“I thought I was just signing up to read my friend’s message,” Schmidt said. “At no time did I think I was authorizing them to access my online address book.”

Within minutes, though, she started getting e-mails from friends and colleagues asking why she was searching for them on

As the day progressed, Schmidt realized that every one of the roughly 250 personal and professional contacts in her online address book had received an e-mail, ostensibly from her, saying that she was searching for them and encouraging them to join her at

“I had to send an e-mail to everyone apologizing for what happened,” she said.

Sounds quite cheesy. I don’t respond to any of these social-network invitations, but I’m certainly glad I didn’t respond to this one.

RAND SIMBERG: “What the Clintons did for feminism, could Obama do for race relations?”

UPDATE: Obama’s damage-control efforts seem too little, too late. “The Illinois senator spoke at a hastily arranged press conference on the airport tarmac in Wilmington, N.C., as media traveling with him were about to board his campaign plane. Airplane engines roared in the background and a plane taking off interrupted the brief media availability, which lasted less than six minutes and permitted only three questions.”

JEFF GOLDSTEIN: “The time has come to point out certain of the less than charming rhetorical ploys being clumsily attempted by my critics.”

VIDEO: Michael Yon on Fox News, talking about his book, and the situation in Iraq.

OUCH: “Print circulation continues on its steep downward slide, the Audit Bureau of Circulations revealed this morning in releasing the latest numbers for some of the country’s largest dailies in the six-month period ending March 31, 2008. When a full analysis appears it is expected to find, according to sources, the biggest dip yet, about 3.5% daily and 4.5 for Sunday. . . . The New York Times lost more than 150,000 copies on Sunday. Circulation on that day fell a whopping 9.2% to 1,476,400. The paper’s daily circulation declined 3.8% to 1,077,256.”

Circulation at the WSJ, meanwhile, is up. USA Today, too. What could be the difference?

HILLARY TALKS TRADE: Ed Cone posts bootleg audio from her closed-to-the-press briefing. Among other things, she endorses McCain’s “gas tax holiday.”