Archive for February, 2008

THE INCANDESCENT BAN IS STUPID, and I say that as someone who likes compact fluorescents. But here’s a bit on the future of LED lights. A “wireless lighting revolution?” I’ve been hoping to try some LED bulbs out, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


Researchers are increasingly turning to new, innovative therapies, based on particles measuring less than 200 nanometers. At that scale, particles passively target weaker-walled cancer cells and help localize treatment, increasing its effectiveness while minimizing damage to healthy tissue. . . .

Developments in this field have accelerated since then, according to Piotr Grodzinski, Director of the NCI’s Alliance. “If you look at where we were five years ago, there was nothing mature enough that the FDA would even consider [it]. Today, there are 20 to 30 small companies in both diagnostics and therapeutics. A handful of those are in clinical trials, and we expect another three or four will file applications this year.”

Bring it on! (Via Nanodot).

Plus, at the Los Angeles Times, a nanotechnology debate. Some related thoughts of mine can be found here.


At an event Monday at George Washington University, a moderator asked four House Democrats if any thought it “practical” or a “good idea” to reopen and renegotiate Nafta. The crew, led by Democratic Caucus head Rahm Emanuel, stared uneasily into the middle distance before submitting “no.”

“We’ll see if word gets to Ohio,” joked the moderator.

It didn’t, and that’s got some grown-ups in the party nervous.

Alas, the “grown-ups” aren’t running for President.

UPDATE: Daniel Drezner observes:

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Democrats cannot simultaneously talk about improving America’s standing abroad while acting like a belligerent unilateralist when it comes to trade policy.



OBAMA’S NAFTA DOUBLE-TALK confirmed. “After reporting on Barack Obama’s dance with the Canadians on NAFTA yesterday, Canadian broadcaster CTV got accused of perpetrating a smear against the Democratic front-runner. They insisted that Obama meant every word he said about overturning the free-trade treaty, and that no one had contacted the Canadian diplomatic corps to reassure them that it was mere demagoguery. CTV responded today by naming names — and suddenly the Obama campaign has grown quiet.” More here from ABC News.

At least we’re learning which bunch of rubes is being fooled. Coming next — an Obama adviser tells the Iraqi government not to pay attention to his troop-withdrawal talk?

UPDATE: At U.S. News, James Pethokoukis on Obama vs. Obama on trade.

THE GOOD NEWS: Bill Stuntz is blogging. The bad news: What he’s blogging about.

A NEW VOIP PHONE DEVICE is getting some good reviews. I’ve been skeptical of these things, as I don’t think Internet telephony offers the reliability of landlines. Am I wrong?

SMOOT-OBAMA-HAWLEY-CLINTON: “What a sad showing from candidates who are going around promising to repair the Bush administration’s supposed alienation of our friends around the world. Is this how they plan to do it? By dealing with our neighbors and trading partners in Canada and Mexico with threats and ultimatums? . . . All because the environmental standards that arch Republican Vice President Gore negotiated into Nafta aren’t strong enough for the Green extremists running for the Democratic nomination this time around — and because the candidates want to use the trade agreement, rather than the International Labor Organization, to dictate labor standards in neighboring countries. Something like 1,000 economists got together to warn Congress against a protectionist surge when Messrs. Smoot and Hawley were concocting the legislations that helped tip America, nay the world, into the Great Depression. One would have thought the Democrats would have learned.”

Related item here.

UPDATE: Look who’s afraid of free trade.

HOWARD KURTZ: “Is Barack Obama protected by a special suit of armor–one that fits only African-Americans?”

TOM ELIA NOTES that a recession doesn’t indicate a failure of leadership.

Nope. As Andrea See said back in 2001: “Anyone with half a brain (and did a basic class in economics) would know economies move in cycles. We’ve had the high point, now it’s time for the low. Sucks as it does, it really needs to happen.” Somebody tell our candidates.

UH OH: “Police in Las Vegas, Nevada, are investigating the discovery of the deadly poison ricin in a hotel room Thursday. . . . The discovery of ricin alarms law-enforcement agencies because authorities in several countries have investigated links between suspect extremists and ricin.”

GERARD VAN DER LEUN is worried about Obama. “I think all sane Americans of good will can agree that something happening to Obama would be just about the worst thing to happen to our political system since those three terrible days in the 1960s. The abiding problem is that not all Americans are sane — especially those of the political persuasion.”

With Gerard, I can just urge Obama’s security folks not to get slack.

DISCRIMINATION IS TERRIBLE, unless there’s money in it: “Cal Poly wants to open a male-only engineering program at a university in Saudi Arabia.” Would they have opened a whites-only engineering school in the old South Africa?

HAROLD ICKES: Blame Mark Penn. “Besides Hillary Clinton, he is the single most responsible person for this campaign.”