Archive for 2007


PERSONAL MEDIA CREATION — and sharing — is a big theme at the Intel booth. It’s a real Army of Davids kind of approach.

They’re also very interested in Wi-Max, and I’ve got a report on that here. I’ve used my EVDO card a lot at this conference, but 2-4 megabits per second of Wi-Max would be even cooler.

Looks like it may happen sooner than I expected.

LEARNING THE WRONG LESSONS from the Nifong debacle? Mary Katharine Ham comments.

pundit.jpgONE OF THE COOL THINGS about wandering around CES is that I keep running into InstaPundit readers. (Yeah, I guess that’s not entirely surprising, but it’s surprised me how much it’s happened.) While passing through the packed Microsoft area I ran into reader Jeff McKean, who was ably pitching for Windows Mobile. He pulled out his PDA (running Windows Mobile, of course) and showed me that it had InstaPundit as the home page. Not the PDA feed, either, but the regular page, photos and all. It was pretty cool.


YES, some things here are a bit surreal. The violinists were good, though. Lots more here.

ON PATROL WITH TEAM GATOR: More Iraq-blogging from Bill Ardolino. He’s supported by donations, so if you like his work, hit the tip jar.

And so is Michael Yon, who’s back in Iraq and blogging, too. It’s like a blogger traffic-jam over there.


YES, some things here are a bit surreal. The violinists were good, though. Lots more here.


Scientists reported Sunday they had found a plentiful source of stem cells in the fluid that cushions babies in the womb.

The announcement may make it easier to sidestep the controversy over destroying embryos for research.

Researchers at Wake Forest University and Harvard University reported the stem cells they drew from amniotic fluid donated by pregnant women hold much the same promise as embryonic stem cells.

They reported they were able to extract the stem cells without harm to mother or fetus and turn their discovery into several different tissue cell types, including brain, liver and bone.

If this pans out, it will be bad news for politicians, but good news for the rest of us.

BILL HOBBS: “The New York Times should have, out of an abundance of ethical caution and in the spirit of full disclosure, informed readers that its parent company is in the Blue fund portfolio. It also should have informed readers that CBS, a big media company with which the New York Times often partners on political journalism projects such as the regular New York Times/CBS public opinion polls (resulting in both newspaper and broadcast stories) was included in the Blue fund portfolio.”



When did the Huffington Post turn into a bulletin board for Democratic members of Congress? The day after the takeover, Arianna posted pieces by Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Jack Murtha, Jane Harman and Tom Harkin, among others. I guess that’s why her conservative contributors have mostly vanished.

She had conservative contributors?