Archive for 2007

DON SURBER: Blogs can save newspapers:

One of the things I have seen going recently are newspapers. Particularly afternoon newspapers. Did I mention the Daily Mail publishes in the afternoons? If the Dead Tree Media is a herd of dinosaurs, the PM newspaper is the sick member of the herd.

PMs have been sick for the 30 years that I have had the pleasure to be a newspaperman.

Blogs could save them.

But for newspapers to be saved, newspaper people will have to get over their fear of blogs, as Surber has done.

CINDY SHEEHAN, making Democrats look good:

The Sheehanoids managed to cow Rep. Rahm Emanuel into shutting down his press conference. And from the Angry Left bloggers who once cheered her on: silence. Browsing the homepages of the Daily Kos, Atrios, Talking Points Memo and the Puffington Host, we can’t find a single mention of the erstwhile moonbat heartthrob.

It comes as a relief to realize that many of those who once treated Sheehan as a heroine did so merely out of partisanship, not hatred of country.


VICTORY IS SWEET for Dean Barnett. “After almost three years of blogging, I have taken home one of those prized ‘Wanker of the Day’ awards that that Atrios guy gives out. I couldn’t be prouder.”

HDTV ON YOUR LAPTOP: I review an interesting gadget for Popular Mechanics.

UPDATE: Reader Gary Boyd emails:

Got one of the Pinnacle Pro Sticks for my son for Christmas. Rather than buy a TV for his dorm room this seemed a much better deal, particularly since he has an enhanced laptop display. Set up time was reasonable and the mini-remote works great. Both analog and HD signals come in from the local channels with the included antenna and the cable hookup is painless.

Highly recommended.

Thanks for the second opinion.

IN THE MAIL: (Actually, something I ordered for a project I’m working on). Travis S. Taylor et al.‘s book, An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion.

I had an interesting discussion on this topic with some NORAD guys when I spoke at the Air Force Academy several years ago. The book looks okay, but not as focused as I’d hoped — though admittedly the topic itself is pretty unfocused. The Amazon reader reviews are good.

SINCE THE DEMOCRATS WON, NOBODY CARES ABOUT ELECTRONIC VOTING FRAUD ANY MORE, but the problem hasn’t gone away. Had just a few thousand votes in some key districts gone the other way, we’d be hearing about Diebold conspiracies ad nauseam. But regardless, the subject remains important, and it deserves attention between election cycles, when there’s actually time to do something about it. Certainly we need to get our act together before 2008. And, of course, there are lots of non-electronic problems, too.

More on that subject here.

JULES CRITTENDEN: “Iran wants war. Iran just doesn’t want to fight it.”

It’s been obvious that Iran is behind much of the internecine slaughter in Iraq. I don’t understand why we haven’t been returning the favor by fomenting insurrection in Iran — or what made the mullahs so confident that we wouldn’t. I continue to wonder if they’ve managed to deter us from significant action, somehow.

A SEMESTER LATE AND A DOLLAR SHORT: Don Surber on Duke University:

The DNA cleared them in April. I saw it then. Any reasonable person saw it. Helen Keller would have seen it. Instead the anti-jock, anti-male, anti-white, and anti-intellectual biases politicized the case and it continued.

The cowardly university president and his silent partners — where were the Duke law professors? — just killed Duke. The school’s new name is Duke lacrosse team. The players aren’t to blame; those who refused to speak up for the players are.

Yes, this has been a PR disaster for Duke, and the Duke Administration has helped to make it so.


More here. Bezos says his goal is to lower costs so that ordinary people can travel into space. I’m cool with that.

Plus, he’s hiring!

ANTI-WAR PROTESTERS protesting the Democrats. Well, they did vote for the war.

As Ann Althouse comments: “Aaagghh! Now, everyone’s sick of Cindy Sheehan. ” Video here.

The antiwar crowd destroyed the Democrats once; they’re set to do it again.


There was not a hijab or niqab in sight as clubbers at the Global Dance Hall worked up a sweat to gangsta rap and Kenyan hip-hop. Instead, women shook their hair and stole glances at the men lining the wall.

Quite what Mogadishu’s Union of Islamic Courts would have made of the occasional flash of ankle beneath the long dresses is anyone’s guess. But no one cared as they celebrated their new freedom.

It’s something.

Does marriage still matter? We talk to the Manhattan Institute’s Kay Hymowitz about her book, Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families in a Post-Marital Age. Hymowitz talks about the role of marriage in childrearing, wealth accumulation, and more — and how the unequal popularity of marriage is making the rich richer and the poor poorer. It’s interesting stuff, though I remain unpersuaded that gay marriage is any threat, and remain unclear on how that fits with the rest of her analysis.

You can listen directly — no downloads needed — by going here and clicking on the gray Flash player. You can download the file by clicking right here, or you can get a lo-fi version suitable for dialup, cellphones, etc. by going here and selecting lo-fi. A free iTunes subscription — the best way to go — is available by clicking here.

This podcast is sponsored by Volvo Motors at

Music is by The Have Nots.

As always, my lovely and talented cohost is taking comments and suggestions.

BETTER LATE THAN NEVER: Duke does the right thing at last:

For the second time in as many weeks, the Duke administration has taken a powerful step toward bringing this disastrous affair to a close. This afternoon, on behalf of President Brodhead, Vice President of Student Affairs Larry Moneta formally invited Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann to return for the spring term.

The symbolism of this move cannot be missed: with the decision, the Duke administration is formally saying that the presumption of innocence no longer can be ignored and strongly implying–through its deeds–that no one in the upper levels at Duke any longer believes in the credibility of Mike Nifong’s allegations. Coupled with Brodhead’s repeated demands that Nifong recuse himself, this act signals a dramatic, and welcome, shift by the administration on the case, and a statement that from here on out, Brodhead will stand on behalf of due process.

Better late than never. But still late.

UPDATE: Reader Brian Gates is unimpressed:

Wow. The school canceled their sports season, the faculty publicly condemned them, and they had to leave the university. But a year later, Duke has decided these young men are entitled to the presumption of innocence. That’s mighty white of them.

I’m no law prof, but isn’t the presumption of innocence most useful before a pile of facts come out indicating that the accused are, in fact, innocent?


PAJAMAS MEDIA: Free Blogger Abdelkareem Nabil Soliman! I’ve written about him before, but he’s still in jail. Follow the link to see what you can do.