Archive for 2007


WE HAD FUN HANGING OUT WITH GUN-BLOGGERS LAST NIGHT: Helen posts a report. Just don’t tell the folks at WATE-TV about the picture! It shows her shooting one of those dangerous full-capacity firearms. . . .

MARC COOPER REPORTS on Hillary’s Iowa finale. Mama’s gonna make everything all right.

Meanwhile Mickey Kaus notes some Learjet liberalism: “It looks like that pro-Edwards ‘527’ group defended by Paul Krugman as a ‘labor 527’ and a ‘527 run by labor unions’ actually got about a third of its money ‘in a single check from an entity linked to Rachel Mellon, the widow of Paul Mellon, who inherited his share of the great American fortunes.'”

CATS AND DOGS LIVING TOGETHER: Signs of moderation at the Modern Language Association? Well, by MLA standards, anyway. Best line: “‘I support speaking truth to power,’ said Rzepka, but that requires truth, he added.”

THE BHUTTO ASSASSINATION: A sort of honor killing?

Meanwhile, Claudia Rosett looks at North Korea.

SAY UNCLE CORRECTS WATE-TV on assault weapons hysteria. Somebody needs to have a talk with Knoxville’s police chief Sterling Owen, too. Lots of law-abiding citizens — and voters — own highfull-capacity weapons. And given the miserable record of my local government lately in handling credit cards, legal obligations of openness, etc., they should show a bit more respect for law-abiding citizens. . . .

UPDATE: Reader John Steakley emails with a correction: “They aren’t ‘high’ capacity. They are ‘full’ capacity.” Excellent point. Correction made.


HEH. I never noticed the resemblance to PeeWee Herman before.

MICHAEL YON: “Unfortunately my concerns for Afghanistan are proving well-placed. Afghanistan and Pakistan are inextricably linked. Together they might be called ‘Troublestan.'”

THOUGHTS ON LAW PROFESSORS, HAPPINESS, and distribution curves, from Tom Smith.

Some other thoughts here.

DUMB LAW OF THE WEEK: “New Jersey enacted legislation on Thursday banning some convicted sex offenders from using the Internet.”

We should ban felons from New Jersey politics, too, but then who’d be left to run the state?

A SPACE JUNK update from Popular Science.

GOOGLEBOMB, or GoogleDud?

BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE I ROCK AND ROLLED: I don’t listen to much rock anymore; as James Lileks said a while back, “Techno does for me now what rock used to. Why, I couldn’t care less.” But I had to drive across town and popped in a Heart album and it was quite good. Crazy on You is without a doubt the best Cold War-inspired song about oral sex ever. Other tunes held up well, too.


LOOKING BACK at the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, and what promises came true, and didn’t. My reporting from last year’s CES is here. And here’s that 108″ Sharp flat-screen TV they’re talking about.

ADVICE: “Barack — may I call you Barack? — this is not going to help. Apart from the absurdity of claiming that the housing conditions of one’s grandmother amount to foreign policy experience, no Iowan who has been as successful as Barack Obama would let his grandmother live in a ‘tiny hut.’ Somebody ought to take up a collection for the poor woman.”

DON’T KNOW MUCH ABOUT HISTORY: I linked this review of Jonah Goldberg’s book last night, and a reader pointed out that the text reference to Roosevelt’s National Recovery Administration contained a hyperlink to articles about the National Rifle Association. The error is still there this afternoon. Despite having the same initials, those are not the same . . . .

I’m sure that mistake is not the fault of David Oshinsky, the reviewer, but rather of some undereducated staffer at the Times, but it serves to illustrate the need for the kind of history lesson Goldberg offers, as well as a point made by many, that the NYT doesn’t take its hyperlinks very seriously.

UPDATE: Ouch: “The NYT should be making a conspicuous show of its professionalism and superior resources on the web, but instead it is making mistakes that would mortify me — in my little one-person operation.”