BECAUSE YOU CAN NEVER BE GREEN ENOUGH: “He may be the hero of the environmental movement for his crusade against global warming but Al Gore is about to be targeted by animal rights activists over his carnivorous contribution to greenhouse gases.” I’ll give him a pass on the meat, but not the private jets.
Archive for 2007
September 10, 2007
ANALYZING OSAMA’S VIDEO, and doubting its genuineness. (Via The Corner).
YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO BE IN THEIR HSUS: Hillary and Obama aren’t talking about bundled donors.
UPDATE: The Los Angeles Times has more: “The FBI has begun examining a murky business venture run by disgraced Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu that paid out hefty profits over the last several years to investors, some of whom were pressed to make contributions to Hillary Rodham Clinton and other political candidates. . . . Since Hsu’s arrest, there has been much speculation about the source of his wealth and how he was able to put together a broad network of donors, many of whom had never given to political campaigns. Investigators are looking into whether several of the donors who appeared to be of modest means contributed their own money to the candidates or were reimbursed, which would violate federal campaign law.”
A FAREWELL TO MADELEINE L’ENGLE — and a look at the many books she wrote beyond A Wrinkle in Time, all of which fit together, more or less: “Like C. S. Lewis before her, L’Engle brought a hard-headed Christian mysticism to the task of writing for children.” And Wrinkle was rejected 26 times before being published, something I didn’t know.
BEIJING’S MILITARY PUSH for “electronic dominance” via hacking.
INDEED: Pork by any other name would smell as stinky. And it does.
LIVING like Xerxes.
SO WHAT WAS I WRITING ABOUT, six years ago on September 10, 2001? Ashcroft and the press — I was siding with the press; DC’s for-profit parking enforcement — I was siding with the parkers; how Bush didn’t seem to be having fun as President — little did he know; and cybersnooping on federal judges.
Other posts around that time: The FBI’s overlarge jurisdiction and the problems it caused; and casual — and historically illiterate — slams against the West and war. Little did I know . . . .
AIRBRUSHING REPORTED at Charles Schumer’s website. Apparently, he’s reconsidered his comments about the troops, and hopes people will forget them. (More here).
Plus, has MoveOn betrayed the Democratic Party? “Now, with the ‘General Betray Us’ campaign, those Democrats again face the question: Do they dare to cross MoveOn? Not long after the 2004 elections, Pariser famously said of Democrats, ‘Now it’s our party. We bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back.’ The next few days could be crucial in determining whether he was right or not.” I think a lot of Democrats should be asked about the “General Betray Us” ad, and MoveOn, in public forums. I suppose General Petraeus would think it impolite to bring the subject up in his testimony, though it would be amusing to see him asking officeholders who’ve gotten MoveOn money if they think he’s a traitor . . . .
WHERE WILL THE NEXT 50 YEARS IN SPACE TAKE US? Farther than the last 35, I hope. Some “expert opinion” here, most of which is almost certainly wrong in one direction or another.
ELECTION FRAUD and “old-fashioned sleaze.”