THREE MARKS ON THE HORIZON: A new dispatch from Michael Yon. “Our military has increasing moral authority in Iraq, but the same cannot be said for our government at home. In fact, it’s in moral deficit. . . . Washington has no moral clout in Iraq. Washington looks like a circus act. The authority is coming from our military. The importance of this fact would be difficult to understate.”
Archive for 2007
August 13, 2007
ACE FINDS AN ODD POCKET OF support for creationism.
UPDATE: Eugene Volokh thinks Ace is misreading things. Ace responds.
ROGER SIMON has thoughts on gay marriage and the War on Terror.
DEMOCRATS LOOK AT Hillary’s prospects.
“BROTHERS IN PEACE?” That would be nice.
HEIGHTENING THE CONTRADICTIONS on immigration enforcement?
DAYS OF OUR LIVES, the blogosphere edition.
SHE’S RIGHT: “The wife of Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama on Sunday admonished those who question her biracial husband’s credentials as a black man, calling the issue ‘nonsense.'”
But in an age of identity politics, it’s unavoidable. One of my law school friends, similarly situated, got the same “not black enough” treatment from Northwestern Law School.
HERE’S A BIG ROUNDUP OF REACTIONS to Karl Rove’s departure.
CONFUSING MEANS AND MEDIANS AT THE NEW YORK TIMES: Tom Maguire has fun at the editors’ expense.
UPDATE: More lemons-into-lemonade at the Home for Wayward Statisticians: “Cool. I’m using it in my new Applied Statistics class.”
ANOTHER UPDATE: Frank Wilson: “Now remember, this is the sort of thing, experts assure us, that the careful editing in the traditional media is designed to prevent, which is why the blogosphere is inherently inferior to traditional media.”
SOME PEOPLE SEEM TO THINK THAT “UNITARY EXECUTIVE” is some sort of neoconservative code word for “dictator.” Cass Sunstein explains the truth.
On the other hand, he’s unable to put a happy face on the lack of electricity.
A 52-PAGE iPHONE BILL? And it’s not that unusual, apparently.
Hey, at least it wasn’t for $218 trillion.
LAMBERTED! But no Instalanche.
LATER: In an update: “Matthew Yglesias links to Tim Lambert, obviously deeming him a reputable source. Hey, this is about politics; not accuracy.” Yglesias has been off his game lately.
MORE: Brad Plumer has been fooled, too.
BUT NO FROG MARCH: Karl Rove to resign.
More here.