Archive for 2003

THE HUNT FOR AL QAEDA IN FLORIDA keeps running across the same folks:

Tracking suspected Muslim terrorists in South Florida, a U.S. investigator there says, can seem like a parlor game in which the subjects are linked by only a few degrees of separation.

Other U.S. cities — namely San Diego, Buffalo and Seattle — have been home to small groups of al-Qaeda sympathizers. But the activity in South Florida, which has a Muslim community of about 70,000, has been unusually intense. And it has raised troubling questions for FBI agents who are trying to determine where the next attack on the United States might come from, and what support networks al-Qaeda operatives might have in America.

Read the whole thing, which I find it impossible to characterize as clearly hopeful or clearly troubling.

DR. MANHATTAN IS CALLING an unintentional irony alert. Heh. I noticed the same thing.