LIFE IMITATES SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, as spotted by James Taranto:

  • “I want to do some tunes that the young people will enjoy. That’s why I’m calling this album ‘Frank Sings Tunes the Young People Will Enjoy.’ “–Joe Piscopo as Frank Sinatra, aired May 22, 1982
  • ” ‘I’ve laid out a plan for jobs and middle-class security,’ [President Obama] claimed in Delray Beach, Florida, brandishing a 20-page brochure titled ‘A Plan for Jobs and Middle-Class Security.’ “–editorial, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 24, 2012

And of course, Obama telling NBC’s Jay Leno that he struggles with post-seventh grade “math stuff” is also another presidential moment anticipated decades ago by NBC’s Saturday Night Live.

RELATED: Rich Lowry on ‘Obama’s pathetic picture book.’