OBAMA SUPPORTED RESTRICTING “HATE” SPEECH:  In this Daily Caller piece, Charles C. Johnson reveals that as a law student, Obama was a typical Crit (Critical Legal Studies/Critical Race Theory) at Harvard Law, seeing no constitutional problem with laws that prevent “hate” speech:

The 1991 Harvard Law School yearbook quoted the future President of the United States virtually shrugging his shoulders at the thought that non-liberal white students might take offense at restrictions on speech that minority students found objectionable. “I don’t see a lot of conservatives getting upset if minorities feel silenced,” Obama said, flipping the argument around.

And since when have haters such as Reverend Wright and Al Sharpton been “silenced”?  Oh but I forgot:  “hate” speech only flows one way, like “diversity.”  The goal isn’t actually to tolerate each other but to silence those who disagree with the progressive view of the world and amplify the voices of those who embrace it.