MEDIA OUTNUMBER THE ANTI-A.I.G. PROTESTERS: Check out the press mob in this picture. Well, it’s certainly not like that at the tea party protests. Plus this: “Maybe you can swing by Chris Dodd’s lavish house and see if he can help you.”

UPDATE: The Great CWFP AIG Intimidation Run Round-Up. Paper tiger?

ANOTHER UPDATE: These are not the brownshirts you were looking for.

MORE: Don’t ask questions.

STILL MORE: Plenty of coverage for an A.N.S.W.E.R.-sponsored antiwar protest, even though the turnout is about 2.5 people per sponsoring group . . . .

And reader Camille Ky-Smith writes: “On Yahoo’s home page there is a ‘top news headline’ on the AIG protests. ‘About 40 protesters sought to urge AIG executives who received a portion of the $165 million in bonuses to do more to help families.’ The tea parties? Not a word…” Yet there were upward of 3,000 in Orlando alone.