STEVEN HAYWARD: Let Trump Be Trump. “I continue to think he is going to win, because I have a near mystical belief that he’s a world-historical figure of destiny. No, it’s not rational in any conventional sense, though perhaps I can spin a neo-Hegelian case. (But that wouldn’t be prudent.) I can give you rational reasons why he should be favored to win, too, but why crib from Nate Silver’s work. The point is, he may not be sufficiently articulate, but he has become the surprising and unexpected champion of everyone around the globe who has had it with our conventional ruling elite of nearly all historic political parties. The old order is dying, and a new one is struggling to be born, against fierce opposition and long odds. And while I am fully aware of Trump’s many defects, our ruling class, our corrupt institutions, universities, government bureaus, and mass media, deserve to lose to him.”