I CAN IMAGINE WHAT WILL BE, UNBURDENED BY WHAT HAS BEEN: As Glenn noted a few minutes ago, the DNC-MSM will now begin marching in lockstep behind Kamala. So watch any negative reports about her suddenly stop.

But before they’re “unburdened by what has been,” here’s a flashback to the London Daily Mail in December of 2021: ‘You put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism’ says former Kamala Harris staffer. Harris is branded a ‘bully’ by ex-aides who claim she refused to read briefings, then scolded them if she was slated for being unprepared as ‘FOUR’ staffers head for the exit:

  • A former underling of Kamala Harris she routinely refused to review briefing materials and would then scold employees when she appeared unprepared

  • The ex-employee likened the vice president to a workplace bully

  • Even more staffers are considering leaving Vice President Kamala Harris’ office, people familiar with the conversations revealed

  • Four top aides to Harris will exit in the span of about a month

  • Harris ‘staff are leaving because they’re burned out and they don’t want to be permanently branded a ‘Harris person,’ Axios reported

  • Among those leaving are her chief spokesperson Symone Sanders

  • Peter Velz, director of press operations, and Vince Evans, deputy director of the Office of Public Engagement are also expected to leave

  • Ashley Etienne, Harris’ former communications director, left last month

Exit question: Can Kamala Harris shake off her weaknesses to beat Trump?

UPDATE: Biden Endorses Kamala to Ride the Bomb Down Instead of Him.

But at the very least, he has formally stepped down from the presidential race, in a statement that reads like it was written by his aides for him at gunpoint, and perhaps without his direct knowledge. There was a later, weirdly separate endorsement of Kamala as his heir-perhaps, almost as if he’d made a last-second decision to switch his place with her atop the Dr. Strangelove H-bomb, the one plummeting toward November. But there was no stirring rhetoric, and certainly no immediate national address — they’re going to need to make sure ol’ Joe is the proper “headspace” for that one, to put it delicately — just a limp, rhetorically hollow “so long, and thanks for all the fish.”

In late July. After the primary. After the first debate. A month before the Democratic convention. With no agreed-upon successor, nobody vetted, nobody remotely acceptable to all factions of the Democratic Party. Party delegates are enraged, disunited, and confused. Protesters are out in the streets. And it all heads straight for my hometown of Chicago, come late August — where I expect our mayor to be cheering the rioters on, rather than suppressing them.

Perhaps following the instructions of “Dr.” Jill, Team Biden seemed to really have it in for Harris, burdening her with a thousand projects she was clearly unqualified for. Is “riding the bomb down” their final going away present?