FROM JON LAFORCE:  Hell’s Belles: Love and War Downrange.


Two souls collide in the middle of a deadly war.

Sylvie Lyons, of Her Majesties’ Royal Engineers, had joined the Army to follow in the footsteps of her granddad, despite everything the old man had warned her about. Now a Sergeant, she promised herself as she sat in her truck and sweated in the heat of an Afghanistan summer, she would pay more attention to his advice. Being in some politicians’ bright idea of an experimental unit didn’t mean a bloody thing when an IED went off or an RPG decided that it had your number.

Sergeant Hondo Cassidy, United States Marine Corps, loved his job as an artilleryman. Nothing in life is better than throwing hate at the Taliban, along with anybody else who wants to buy in for a whipping. He was, however, looking forward to heading out of the sandbox, as the Marines called anything in the Middle East, shortly. When the word came down that Cassidy’s platoon was being kept in Afghanistan to provide security for Lyons’ engineers, he was more than a bit ticked off, but orders were orders.