FLASHBACK: An untraditional war: We can’t stop ISIL-inspired massacres if we deny we’re fighting Islam’s jihadist strain. “The thing is, proposals such as gun control are basically peacetime remedies, which don’t apply in time of war. But traditional wartime remedies might not work, either, because this is not a traditional war. . . . There were warning signs with the San Bernardino shooters, whose neighbors reportedly didn’t want to call the cops for fear of being thought racist. And there were warning signs with Mateen, who apparently had been on security officials’ radar screen for some time but not enough to do anything about it. Classmates of Nidal Hassan said he regularly spouted Islamist propaganda months before he shot up Fort Hood, but the military was too politically correct to do anything and afterward tried for some time to pretend that his deliberate, jihadist attack was merely ‘workplace violence.'”

Related: Six suspected terrorists with ISIS ties arrested in sting operation in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia.

Kurt Schlichter’s The Attack was supposed to be a page-flipper warning, not prophecy.