IT’S SATIRE, BUT JUST BARELY: Ilhan Omar Calls For Day Of Mourning Over Hostages Rescued.

Related: You ever have one of those days? “You’re just sitting at home minding your own business, guarding the Israeli hostages your Hamas buddies kidnapped after their bloody rampage on October 7. Then, all of a sudden, for no reason whatsoever, a bunch of Zionists bust in and kill you. A lot of you. Hundreds of you, if your terrorist comrades are to be believed. And for what? Why did so many people need to die just for four Jews? Aren’t your lives important too?”

No. They don’t just have zero value. You’re better for the world when you’re dead.


No matter what these terrorists do, no matter how many wars they start, their entire strategy is to paint themselves as the aggrieved party. They’re always the victims.

They had to butcher all those people on October 7, you see. They had to kidnap the survivors and hold them hostage.

Because Jews still exist on this planet.

Then, terrorist sympathizers in the West do their usual song and dance: “Both sides are bad! Is it really worth killing so many people just to save four?”

Yes, it is. Because they were hostages.


If you can’t tell the difference between a hostage and a hostage-taker, it doesn’t make you somehow enlightened. It means your brain is broken and your soul is excrement.

Yep. And that describes much of our media/academic/political class. And even more of the NGO crowd.