SINCE SOMEONE WANTED ME TO PRONOUNCE ON HR 6090 “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023:  I’m not a lawyer, but my reading of it is so out of consonance with what I hear bruited about on social media and blogs, it was a relief to come across J. C. Solomon’s comment as follows (note he is also not a lawyer, but his read is consonant with mine.):

About HR 6090 “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023”
I’m seeing a LOT of nonsense about bill HR 6090, “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023”. The only sensible objection I’ve seen is from Ben Shapiro and Marc Randazza, who take issue with how Title VI of the Civil Rights Act has been interpreted (mandates on campus speech codes) and don’t want to see this expanded.

Before commenting, read It’s not long, and I don’t think it’s hard to understand. (Seriously, read the bill and what I’ve written below before responding. This little bit of homework may save you from earning mockery.)

What I’m seeing online, and from people who really should know better, is fearmongering about this making it illegal to criticize Israel, or even to quote parts of the Christian Bible which blame the Crucifixion on “the Jews”. This is patent nonsense, and I’m questioning some people’s motives in their comments.

The bill does not prohibit—
Reasonable criticism of Israeli policy or of anything Jews do;
Unreasonable criticism of the same;
Blaming Jews for the Crucifixion, or for forest fires, or the weather, or the economy, or two-headed calves, or anything else plausible or not;
Blatant antisemitism like calling for the destruction of Israel or genocide of Jews;
Or any other kind of speech or expression.

Here’s my paraphrase of the bill:
In certain cases under federal jurisdiction where discrimination by ethnicity is illegal in education, discrimination against Jews—called “antisemitism” and following the 2016 IHRA definition—also counts.

Basically, this codifies President Trump’s Executive Order 13899,

Even meetings of the Campus Jew-Haters for a Judenrein University should not be affected by this bill. (Though see concerns above about campus speech codes.) But a class or grant or other educational opportunity marked “No Jews”, even if coded “No Zionists” or “No Christ-Killers”, is restricted exactly as if it read “No Swedes” or “No Mongolians”.

If I’m missing something that makes the bill more dangerous or wrong, please point it out in the comments.

It’s entirely possible he — and I — are wrong. And note neither of us is particularly excited about anti-discrimnatory-set-asides for ethnicity or whatever.  As are most liberty minded people. But this is the regime we live under, and this changes nothing except to say it also applies to this group. (If we can’t get rid of it, we should apply it to all people, yes, including white people and render it ineffective that way.) Note when J. C. said substantially this on Twitter and asked for comments to the contrary, no one answered except with ad hominem and hysteria.