MICHAEL WALSH: In Search of Common Ground:

Hard as this may seem to believe, back before the election of Barack Hussein Obama — just seven years after 9/11, remember — there was at least one thing sane people on both the Left and the Right agreed upon: freedom of speech and the primacy of the First Amendment. Conservatives were dedicated to the constitution in all its aspects, while liberals at least pretended to enjoy the blessings of free expression, even if they often employed the 1A as a shield with which to protect themselves and their dissention from the consequences of their intentions. Honest men on both sides could not only have reasoned discussions with one another, but actually be friends.

Obama’s elections, in ways which still remain to be understood, changed all that.

It wasn’t an accident, though.

Plus: “Perhaps, later, in the rubble, we can find common ground and begin anew. Not with the New Soviet Man but the rebirth of Western Man, a believer in freedom, a capitalist with a conscience, and a man whose philosophy is not beggar-thy-neighbor, who doesn’t see the world as a zero-sum game, and who only asks to live and let live. But it begins with free speech, or it never begins at all.”