SO I SUFFER FROM HyperHimboism? It’s a fair cop. And yes, it is Bill Whittle’s fault.

Meanwhile, in response to the question of what to do about endocrine-disrupters, I’d say that if the science suggesting a hazard holds up (right now it’s pretty preliminary), they should be regulated so as to eliminate (or at least reduce substantially) the risk. Mark Kleiman will probably regard this as some sort of huge concession, but that’s based on his rather serious and ongoing misapprehension of what I’m about. As anyone who has read my work on regulation (e.g., this piece) would know, while I’m skeptical of regulation in many cases, I am not, in fact, opposed to all regulation, all the time. That’s a straw man, with a rather crude caricature of my face daubed on. Honestly, when I read Kleiman’s comments about my blog I often wonder what he’s reading in place of InstaPundit. (Here are some related thoughts from Megan McArdle.)

But hey, maybe others see me differently. Maybe I’m hyper-masculine after all! Please weigh in, gentle readers, via this latest Insta-Poll:

InstaPundit: Hypermasculine, or Not So Much?
Hypermasculine: A testosterone-oozing Rambo of the blogosphere.
The manliest guy in the Chess Club. Well, maybe the second manliest.
I like the cookware and recipe posts!
I for one welcome our new Nebbish Overlord.
I’m voting “present” on this one. free polls