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I’M BEGINNING TO LOSE TRUST IN OUR GOVERNMENT: Another Secret Service Lapse for Trump in Nashville. Well, this was only vaguely a lapse, really. But: “Speaking of the previous debacle on July 13, the Pennsylvania shooting story only gets worse. Newly revealed text messages indicate that Thomas Crooks had been on authorities’ radar for a full ninety minutes before the shooting. The communications were provided by both local and federal authorities.”

Related: Biden Calls Speaker Johnson “Dead on Arrival.” Twice.

THE CHEATLE CHALLENGE TO CONGRESS: Here’s why Congress must not ignore the former Secret Service Director’s middle fingers. It’s my latest PJ Media column. PROMOTED FROM LAST NIGHT.

UNEXPECTEDLY! Secret Service* Urges Halt to Trump’s Outdoor Rallies After Assassination Attempt.

The agency finds Trump’s rallies challenging because of their large, complex outdoor venues. The former president’s large events require extensive security planning, with agents arriving early to prepare.

The authorities have been investigating the shooting and the gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks. While they have unearthed some details surrounding the assassination attempt, they have still not discovered what drove Crooks to shoot the former president.

The shooting has placed the Secret Service under scrutiny for its failure to prevent Crooks from taking a shot at the former president despite warnings from rallygoers. Former Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle stepped down from her position after enduring a grilling from Republican and Democratic lawmakers during a recent hearing in which she failed to answer basic questions about the incident.

* Just a heads up: You misspelled “the Harris Campaign” in the headline.

Related: “Secret Service Director Resigns In Disgrace For Failing To Assassinate Trump,” America’s Newspaper of Record reports.

GOOD. SHE SHOULD HAVE RESIGNED A WEEK AGO: First congressional Democrat calls for Secret Service director to resign. “Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.) called on Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle to ‘resign immediately’ Saturday, citing ‘unacceptable operational failures’ in the wake of the assassination attempt on former President Trump.”

JAMES MEIGS: How the Secret Service Failed. What disaster science tells us about the Trump assassination attempt.

TRUST THE PROFESSIONALS: Whistleblowers Reveal What Secret Service Said During Briefings Before Trump Assassination Attempt. “The United States Secret Service acknowledged it had ‘limited resources’ during briefings held before the July 13 Trump rally in Pennsylvania at which an attempted assassination occurred, according to whistleblower disclosures to the House Judiciary Committee.”

Punish the decisionmakers behind this in ways that will be remembered by bureaucrats for decades.

‘WITHOUT EVIDENCE,’ NBC BLASTS ‘CONSERVATIVE PUNDITS AND LAWMAKERS’ ON SECRET SERVICE DEI. More and more “news” articles are popping up with this “without evidence” line. This jarring tell simply means “we don’t want you to believe the upcoming claim.” NBC even spends the next few paragraphs discussing the very evidence cited by DEI critics (female agents in the video being a foot shorter than Trump, or seemingly out of position). Maybe the critics are wrong and the weight of the evidence is against them, but they’re not “without evidence.” Saying they are is incompetent journalism.

HOMELAND DEFENSE FOULUP: Secret Service Misses the Assassin in Plain Sight

“See something, say something.” After the 9/11 disaster, that phrase served as a terse marching order for alert American citizens willing to help stop terror attacks on U.S. soil.

“See something, say something” is superb national security advice. 9/11 demonstrated America is under attack. Every citizen can contribute to the defense effort.

On Saturday, July 13, several alert citizens attending a presidential campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, saw a young man lurking near a building adjacent to the fairground where presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump intended to deliver a speech. The young man was later seen on the building’s roof.

Local and Global Security Point 1: Per 9/11, concerned citizens on the ground provided The See. Several informed law enforcement officers. Hence Point 2: Citizens provided The Say.

Bottom Line: “Mayorkas and Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle failed to execute fundamental duties. They should resign immediately.”

But read the entire commentary.

THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: Secret Service Director Allegedly Didn’t Want to Put Snipers on a Sloped Roof.

“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” she said. “And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

Talk about a genuine Mission: Impossible!

UPDATE: It speaks volumes about how far the credibility of our institutions has fallen in recent years that this question would even be asked:


IT STILL PROMISES TO BE AN UNNECESSARILY TENSE COUPLE OF DAYS: Update on RNC Secret Service Protection. “Based on Cheatle’s statement, it appears the Secret Service decided some changes were in order.”