VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Obama In Free Fall. “On every issue — more bailouts, more stimuli, more deficits, higher taxes, statist health care, cap and trade, diplomatic apologetics, the shunning of natural gas, oil, and nuclear in favor of ‘millions of green jobs’ subsidized by billions in federal ‘stimulus’ — the Obama position polls 5-15 points below 50 percent. . . . Obama showed the country his vision of where he wanted us to go; he had both houses of Congress, a toady media, and enormous personal popularity — and he is getting nowhere. Why? Because most Americans are vehemently opposed to taking their country in the direction that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid would prefer. . . . Since Obama is both inexperienced and apparently a stubborn ideologue, I think all we will be left with when the novelty wears off is rhetoric and euphemism.”

UPDATE: You can evade reality, but you cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.