THE SCARE QUOTES ARE A NICE TOUCH: [Matthew] McConaughey criticizes Hollywood for ‘arrogant’ attitude toward Trump supporters.

As Glenn wrote in the New York Post on Thursday to explain the left’s freakout over the Ron Howard made-for-Netflix production of Hillbilly Elegy, “The old Southern Democrats maintained the allegiance of poor whites by making sure those poor whites felt they could look down on blacks. The modern Democratic Party maintains the allegiance of -upper-middle-class whites by making sure they can look down on lower-class whites. By humanizing those lower-class whites, Netflix’s ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ calls the whole enterprise into question… In America, class war is disguised as cultural war, and cultural war is often waged under the guise of fighting racism. Thus, the Deplorables had to be cast as racists, though it wasn’t the working class that redlined neighborhoods or set college ¬admissions policies. And that means that they can’t be humanized, or shown to be victims. The sympathy of the upper classes is doled out in careful measure, toward select targets.”