KAMIL ZOGBY spots some hopeful news from Najaf:

Imagine: the Shia are the majority in Iraq, and they were murderd and persecuted by Saddam’s Bathist Sunni regime for decades; then, Bathist henchmen and al-Qaeda terrorists murder the one of the most revered Shia Ayatollahs in Iraqi Shia society, along with over 120 innocent other Shias; then, a large Shia crowd becomes aware that two al-Qaeda mass killers have sent an e-mail saying “mission accomplished: the dog is dead.” And, what do they do? They hustle the two characters off to the “nearest police station .” They didn’t kill them on the spot, ripping their limbs from their bodies, and disembowling them on the spot. They brought them to the police! This shows to me, if the story is true, that the majority of Shia want an Iraq that subscribes to rule of law and not the rule of men.

Perhaps the “Arab street” is less irresponsible than some fear.