SERIOUSLY, YOU GUYS, IT’S NOT OUR FAULT. IT’S NOT OUR FAULT “The Congressional Map Is Historically Biased Against Democrats.”

I just want to address the language usage: “GOP gerrymandering and Democratic voters’ clustering in urban districts…” Note where agency is ascribed. GOP politicians are doing something (gerrymandering) and Democratic voters are doing something (clustering). But you could just as well say that the district drawing (done by legislatures consisting of politicians in both parties) is bad for the Democratic Party because it presents itself in a way that appeals to voters who are living in urban areas. If you draw district lines according to traditional principles like compactness, you’re going to end up with urban districts with a high concentration of people who vote for Democratic Party candidates. It’s not that people are “clustering,” but that a party has shaped its message and its campaigning to take advantage of the votes that are available from people who live in urban areas.

Personally, I blame the Russians.