OF COURSE NOT: Slate: No, Bill Clinton’s Speech About Hillary Didn’t Address the Elephant in the Room. But, you know, the cheating and the rape accusations and Hillary’s efforts to destroy women who spoke out didn’t really fit his theme for the evening.

Related: Bill Clinton leaves us wondering how he could have been such a louse to Hillary. “Much of America knows how Bill repeatedly cheated on Hillary during the allegedly blissful years he depicted tonight. His cheating isn’t a serious issue in this year’s race, but it provides an unfortunate gloss on his testimony about the marriage. Stated differently, for many Americans, it may have been the 800 pound gorilla in the convention hall. How does one square Bill’s love story with his serial adultery and predatory behavior towards women? It can, perhaps, be done. But only at a psychological level that neither Bill nor Hillary wants us to get anywhere near.”