WELL, A CERTAIN FLAVOR OF THEM, ANYWAY: Democratic Youth Council shows why we dislike millennials.

If you were wondering why so many people dislike millennials today, look no further than the Orwellian-sounding “Youth Council” of the Democratic Party.

When Sarah Audelo, Millennial Vote Director for Hillary for America, took the podium, she began her remarks with a bunch of rules, a tactic that has become typical of snowflakes on college campuses protesting everyone’s free speech except their own.

“I open this space, perhaps, with a couple of ground rules,” she said. The first two rules were about working beyond the election and recognizing that everyone came for “good reasons.” But the third rule was, well, typical millennial.

“One of the ground rules that I do in a lot of my trainings, maybe you all have heard this before. I love it, but it is ‘don’t yuck my yum,'” she said “For some of us, there are some things that are very yummy and it hurts when people ‘yuck’ on us. So for example, if one issue is my core issue and it’s not yours, that’s cool, it’s my core issue, don’t yuck my yum, that’s cool.”

The phrase “yuck my yum” basically means not to tell someone that what they like is bad simply because you don’t like it. It can sometimes refer to food (quite literally, don’t tell me my food is gross), but also to sexuality.

Audelo went on to talk about the “space” she wanted to create for millennials in the room, something that didn’t need to be said and came off as insolent and not very inclusive. It reminded me of campus protesters who barred allies from helping with their cause simply because they were not black or of the LGBT community.

The anti-racists are always the most racist, the anti-sexists the most sexist, etc.