COMCAST SPOKESMAN CONDESCENDINGLY MANSPLAINS TO LEADING FEMALE TELEVISION ANCHOR: Al Sharpton Snaps at Megyn Kelly to ‘Calm Down’ When Challenged on Ferguson Findings.

Why are Democrat-owned industries such cesspits of racism, corruption, homophobia and pervasive mansplaining?

Related: “Megyn Kelly’s contract is coming up for renewal. She says she might sign with someone other than Fox. Allah (linked above) has repeatedly suggested that the lack of support she feels from Fox may cause her to jump ship. I think it would be best if she did. Not because I dislike her,” Ace of Spades writes. But “The possibility that Kelly could colonize a prominent network with her heretical views would be good for conservatism overall. Seizing prominent enemy positions is the goal of any army that’s doing more than perimeter patrolling.”