FAKE FRONT SHOWS GLOBE’S A JOKE, the Boston Herald’s Howie Carr writes:

Somehow, the Globe seems to think that deporting illegal aliens is a frightening thought to most Americans. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve misread the public sentiment.

You could of course lay out similar front pages about other candidates. Here would be my splash headline for Hillary: “DOCUMENTS SHOW CLINTON LIED ABOUT …” Fill in the blank: Benghazi, being under fire in Tuzla, why she set up her private server, wanting to join the Marines, how she was against gay marriage before she was for gay marriage, how she was against putting illegals on Obamacare before she was for putting illegals on Obamacare, etc.

How about some headlines for Bernie Sanders:

Read the whole thing.

Related: “When thinking about the Boston Globe faux-edition attacking Donald Trump, remember that if a conservative non-profit organization—let’s hypothetically call them something like ‘Citizens United’—published the same thing, liberals would want it to be illegal,” Steve Hayward adds at Power Line.