The young woman’s shrieking was loud and getting louder, but there was laughter in it. ‘Stop it! Philip, stop it, stop it stop it!’ accompanied by the scamper of feet on stairs.

A grinning man was reaching out and pinching her bottom repeatedly and growling: ‘Get up there, girl, get up there,’ forcing her up.

Chief Petty Officer William Evans, who had been coming down, had to get out of their way as the screaming and laughing Queen, in a blouse and skirt, was ushered by Prince Philip’s pinches and growls all the way to the top of the 80-tread staircase at Broadlands, in Hampshire, home of the late Earl Mountbatten.

The royal couple were regular weekend guests at the home of Philip’s Uncle Dickie, and staff noted that only one of the two bedrooms in their suite was ever slept in. At the top of the stairs the noise suddenly subsided.

The door of their suite closed behind them, muffled giggling continued, and then there was silence. ‘They were like a pair of teenagers,’ recalls Evans, now 83, who was head of Mountbatten’s personal staff. ‘The Queen had a look of panic on her face that wasn’t really panic at all, if you know what I mean — she was loving it, and Philip knew that.

‘He was enjoying himself, and he wouldn’t stop, but just kept pinching her bottom all the way to the top, and it’s a lot of stairs. I wondered whether they ever behaved like that at Buckingham Palace.’

A remarkable vignette. But what is even more extraordinary is that the royal couple were not newlyweds when this highly charged, and clearly amorous scene was played out.

Even the Queen isn’t safe from #RapeCulture.