Archive for 2019

NEW YORK TIMES TODAY: Rhodesia’s Dead — but White Supremacists Have Given It New Life Online.

Not long after Rhodesia ceased to exist, it became morally untenable to mourn its disappearance. As the rest of the world woke up to the injustices of Western colonialism and its system of white-minority governments, the Selous Scouts and their cause became taboo. . . .

Nostalgia for Rhodesia has since grown into a subtle and profitable form of racist messaging, with its own line of terminology, hashtags and merchandise, peddled to military-history fans and firearms enthusiasts by a stew of far-right provocateurs.

NEW YORK TIMES IN 2005: Black Zimbabweans nostalgic for era of white rule:

An elderly peasant in another village, Makupila Muzamba, said that hunger today is worse than ever before in his seven decades or so, and said: “I want the white man’s government to come back. Even if whites were oppressing us, we could get jobs and things were cheap compared to today.”

His wife, Mugombo Mudenda, remembered that as a younger woman she used to eat meat, drink tea, use sugar and buy soap. But now she cannot even afford corn gruel. “I miss the days of white rule,” she said.

Nearly every peasant I’ve spoken to in Zimbabwe echoed those thoughts.

Well, the narrative shifts as needed.


The New Hotness? Sacramento scheming:

Sacramento wants to tax soda, tires, guns, water, pain pills, lawyers, car batteries…

—The L.A. Times today.

California’s next frontier in fighting climate change: your kitchen stove.

—The L.A. Times, Thursday.

As John Sexton writes at Hot Air, “The purpose of this is to induce people to save energy. But the practical result is going to be much higher bills if I’m suddenly using electricity to heat water, cook, heat the house, and dry clothes on top of everything else. It’s hard to estimate what the increased price will be but I’m certain it’s going to be a lot more than my current gas bill, probably several times more. So on top of the cost of replacing appliances and adding new electrical wiring to my home, there’s going to be a higher monthly bill as well.”

Flashback: Calif. Power Rates Go Up 80 Percent.

QUESTION ASKED: Why Are Democrats Kissing The Ring Of Al Sharpton?

Texas politician Beto O’Rourke, who this week accused 12-year Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a “racist” and a false leader of Israelis, was there, obsequiously telling Sharpton he would support a study on reparations. He wasn’t alone. Many of the people who had recently defended anti-Semite Ilhan Omar—Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders, among others—were yucking with a guy who once said, “We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

Sharpton most famously threw an entire city into turmoil in 1987 when he cynically exploited the hoax of a black teen named Tawana Brawley—who claimed to have been raped, kidnapped, smeared with feces, and left wrapped in a plastic bag by a group of white men in Dutchess County, New York—for attention. To the surprise of absolutely no one, a state grand jury would find that her claims had been fabricated, perhaps as a way of avoiding punishment from her dad for staying out late.

When Sharpton and Brawley lost their defamation suits, it would not be the founder and president of the National Action Network Convention who would struggle. After 26 years, Brawley was the one who couldn’t pay her debt.

Then again, ruined lives are strewn across Sharpton’s career.

Read the whole thing.

JOSH KRAUSHAAR: Reality Check for 2020 Democrats. “This week offered more evidence that moderation is the key for the party to win back the blue-wall states that Trump carried in 2016.”

The main lesson of the 2018 midterms was that Democrats won back the House by nominating pragmatic candidates reflective of the centrist districts that they represent. Less publicized is the fact that many progressive candidates struggled to win swing states and districts despite the favorable environment.

This week offered even more empirical evidence of the importance of moderation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gets it, but her party’s leading presidential voices are playing right into Trump’s political playbook.

The Progressives can’t help themselves — because it isn’t Trump’s playbook; it’s their own.