Archive for 2019

I WAS AFRAID OF THIS: The robocall crisis will never totally be fixed. “Like spam, we’ll be able to manage it but not eliminate it.”

Even with a constantly-updated spam-blocker installed on my phone, several calls a day still get through. Although it’s always worse around tax season, so I’m hoping for a drop-off in spam over the next couple of weeks.

SALENA ZITO: How Pete Buttigieg Could Hurt Trump in the Rust Belt.

He might have an impressive resumé, but this part sticks out like a sore thumb:

He supports abortions into the third trimester out of a belief in “freedom from government,” he said. And he won’t rule out tax hikes. “If the only way I can get all of us paid parental leave, universal health care, dramatically improved child care, better education, good infrastructure and, therefore, longer life expectancy and a healthier economy is to raise revenue, then we should be honest about that,” he said.

Shades of Walter Mondale, who lost every single Rust Belt state to Ronald Reagan.

JUST FIGURING THIS OUT NOW, ARE THEY? The memo never got to HRC and the Brooklyn Mothership of Social Media Geeks in 2016.

SUPER FUN TIME BONUS: One more nail in the coffin for those bitter clingers who still insist Russia “stole” the election with $100,000 of Facebook ads…

PROCUREMENT: U.S. Nuclear-Armed Sub May Cost More Than Navy Says, GAO Warns.

No surprise here. Given the Columbia’s role as the stealthiest and least-vulnerable third of our nuclear deterrent, getting them built in time for the retirement of the Ohio-class SSBNs, while also future-proofing the new boats against future threats, was always going to be an expensive proposition.

YOUR DAILY TREACHER: When Has Mike Pence Ever Had a Quarrel with Pete Buttigieg?

Supposedly, right-wing Christians have brought America to the brink of gaypocalypse. And yet it keeps… not happening. We’re over two years into the Trump era, and gay people aren’t any worse off than they were under Obama.* In fact, now you can even be openly gay and still become a viable presidential candidate. That’s progress, isn’t it? That’s a good thing, right?

Wrong. Not good enough. Once a victim, always a victim.

Read the whole thing.

SHOCKER: Turkish ruling party seeks rerun in Istanbul.

Ali Ihsan Yavuz, a ruling party deputy chairman, announced the decision on Tuesday after Turkey’s top electoral authority rejected a request for a full recount of votes in the March 31 elections.

Yavuz maintained there were “significant events and situations” that affected the outcome of the vote and said the party would use a right for an “extraordinary appeal.”

Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party, or AKP, suffered a major setback in the elections. Opposition candidates won in Turkey’s capital, Ankara, and squeezed out the ruling party in Istanbul.

What’s the point of free elections if the wrong people are allowed to win?

ANOTHER BIG GOVERNMENT PROGRAM THAT DOESN’T WORK? Conservatives file brief in death penalty case. The specific issue here is fairly technical.

Personally, I find moral arguments against the death penalty unpersuasive: Killing people is the central competency of government, so if you don’t like the idea of government killing people then you’re an anarchist, more or less. On the other hand, government’s not very competent at anything else, so the likelihood that the death penalty will be wrongly applied — what Charles Black called “the inevitability of caprice and mistake” — seems very high.


But now they’ve struck at Trump, and failed.