Archive for 2019

FASTER, PLEASE*: “Attorney General William Barr has assembled a team to review controversial counterintelligence decisions made by Justice Department and FBI officials, including actions taken during the probe of the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016, according to a person familiar with the matter.”

Related: Most Important Take-Aways from AG Barr’s Testimony This Morning.

* Or, slower, please, perhaps. Discussing the Obama administration ordering spying on the Trump campaign on Hillary’s behalf could make quite an October surprise next year.


In all, of 863 complaints made by March 8, 2019, 454 remain unresolved, including 249 in which the party hasn’t initiated an investigation.

Of the cases in which a decision was reached, 191 members faced no further action, 145 received a formal warning — which the Sunday Times called “a slap on the wrist” — and just 29 were expelled. Others left of their own accord.

The report detailed specific cases without naming the offenders. In one case, a trade union official in Manchester was allowed back into the party despite having shared material blaming “Jewish Israelis” for the September 11, 2001, attacks in the United States.

Members who made comments such as “Heil Hitler,” “Fuck the Jews” and “Jews are the problem” have not been expelled despite complaints filed against them a year ago, the report said.

A councilor in Lancashire was readmitted despite having ranted about “Jewish media” and “Rothchilds,” after explaining she had uttered the terms “as a blanket term of description without any racist connotations.”

Last month, the report said, Thomas Gardiner — an ally of Corbyn who heads Labour’s governance and legal unit — blocked efforts to expedite proceedings against a party member who lashed out at Jewish MPs Margaret Hodge and Ruth Smeeth as “a couple of shit-stirring c** buckets bought and paid for by Israel” and “cretinous pieces of shit” who needed to “fuck off back under their stones.”

In another case, a lawmaker was let off with a warning after saying the Board of Deputies of British Jews umbrella group were “c****” and that the comment was “not anti-Semitic, it’s anti-c***. See Israel.”

Related: The Democratic Party Is Being Corbynized. QED, this tweet from Newsweek:

As Dana Loesch tweets in response, “Calls a Jewish man a ‘white nationalist,’ accused Jewish people of dual loyalty, described 9/11 as ‘some people did something’ — if Newsweek is talking about Omar ‘changing the conversation’ to include more anti-Semitism, they’re right.”


● Shot: University of Kansas to offer ‘Angry White Male Studies’ course:

University of Kansas students will soon be able to study the rise of the “angry white male.”

The college course, called Angry White Male Studies, will dive into “the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger” in the United States and Britain since the 1950s.

The course catalog description states: “Employing interdisciplinary perspectives this course examines how both dominant and subordinate masculinities are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change connected to modernity as well as to rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals.”

Although the class can be taken for credit and is being offered in the fall, one Kansas lawmaker is not amused.

Rep. Ron Estes, a Republican, wrote on Twitter that the course “divides the student population” and wondered why the University of Kansas did not offer a class to “unite people and empower women.”

Because that’s not how higher education rolls in Kansas, apparently, and hasn’t for sometime. Which brings us to…

● Chaser: Bobby Kennedy’s Fascist Moment:

As [Robert] Kennedy began [to speak at Kansas State U. on March 18th, 1968], his voice cracked, and those near the stage noticed his hands trembling and his right leg shaking.

After praising [Al] Landon’s distinguished career, he said, “I am also glad to come to the home state of another great Kansan, who wrote, ‘If our colleges and universities do not breed men who riot, who rebel, who attack life with all their youthful vision and vigor then there is something wrong with our colleges. The more riots that come on college campuses, the better the world for tomorrow.’ ”

* * * * * * * * *

He raised his fist in the air so it resembled the revolutionary symbol on posters hanging in student rooms that year, promised “a new America,” and the hall erupted in cheers and thunderous applause.

Summer reruns begin early in the Midwest, apparently. But then, as the piece by Warren Henry at the Federalist we linked to earlier today noted, “All Democrats’ ‘New’ Ideas Are Just Repackaged Failures Baby Boomers Like.”

COMEY DESCRIBED ‘SOURCES AND METHODS’ IN HIS CYA MEMOS: The former FBI Director is looking ever more devious. Consider this observation from The Last Refuge:

“Along with writing notes of the meetings and conversations, apparently Comey also made notes of the sources and methods associated with the investigation.  Why would Comey generate classified information in these notes (sources and methods) unless he was just covering his ass because he knew the investigation itself was a risk…”

Just keep scrolling.

WHAT’S THIS, A 53 PERCENT TRUMP APPROVAL RATING? That screeching sound you hear is from liberals and their “journalist” friends tearing their hair out in frustration over this. Or maybe it’s this from last week.

REVIEW: Beretta APX.