Archive for 2012

THE “NEW NORMAL?” James Pethokoukis on Barack Obama’s economic excuses.

But the president’s a recent convert to this religion of low expectations. He certainly didn’t buy it when he took office. Back then, he predicted a quick and powerful economic rebound — if only lawmakers implemented his policies, such as the $800 billion stimulus. Which Congress, then with strong Democratic majorities, quickly did.

In 2009, for instance, the White House said the economy would be growing at a brisk 4.3 percent annual clip this year, with unemployment down to 5.6 percent. Indeed, Obama’s top economists predicted we’d be smack in the middle of a fat streak of high-growth years: 4.3 percent in 2011, followed by 4.3 percent growth in 2012 and 2013, too. And 2014? 4 percent growth.

Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton would have nothing on Obama, these predictions suggested. Back then, Team Obama scoffed at the dismal New Normal faith.

Yet we’re still waiting on the boom that they promised. Now they’re evangelizing for “the New Normal” — and hoping enough voters buy the excuse.

Hey, I know — let’s run that graphic about what they promised vs. what they delivered again!

You can click on the image for a bigger version, suitable for sharing, posting by the water cooler at work, or whatever . . . .

UPDATE: Investor’s Business Daily: Obama’s Biggest Lie: ‘I’m Fighting For The Middle Class.’

YA THINK? Small Businesses Continue Saying: Yes, We Did Build It! “It’s a sign of deeper discontent by some small business owners. A Gallup poll from the 2nd quarter of 2012 (before the President’s comments) found business owners are the group LEAST approving of President Obama’s on-the-job performance, with 59% disapproving. In other words, a majority of small business owners did not think the President was doing a good job according to the Gallup poll — even before the political dust-up over the ‘You didn’t build it’ comments.”

ADVICE FOR LAW STUDENTS: Beer + Pizza = Success!

That’s actually pretty good advice.

JOEL GEHRKE: Gibbs confirms central part of Romney-Ryan attack on Obamacare’s IPAB. “Does President Obama’s health care law empower an ‘unelected, unaccountable’ panel of bureaucrats to make decisions that will cause people to lose access to health care? ‘Yes,’ according to the man who spoke for the president when Democrats passed the law.”