Archive for 2012


IN FORBES: Joe Biden’s Gaffes Call For A Thorough Neurological Examination.

Are these aberrations stupidity, dementia or personality disorders? To find out, shouldn’t there be some vetting or testing of people in, or who aspire to, governmental positions as critical as the vice-presidency? After all, we require bus drivers and hairdressers to prove their competence before they are permitted to ply their trades, and applicants to most police forces undergo psychological testing.

Biden should submit to a thorough neurological and psychiatric examination, with special attention to whether he is experiencing “transient ischemic attacks” – marked by impaired blood flow to the brain – small strokes, seizures, or suffers from a brain tumor. After all, we often demand to know whether a candidate has recovered from open-heart surgery, cancer or a stroke, and many states require elderly drivers to be re-licensed.

Aren’t the vice-president’s highest-level security clearance and his influence on public policy as important as the ability to drive a car?

Apparently not.

UPDATE: The Always-Articulate Joe Biden.

BAD REVIEWS: Obama’s Mediocre Outing Before The Press Corps.

In an effort to soothe the increasingly peeved White House press corps, the president appeared in the White House Briefing Room today to take a few questions. It was a remarkably ineffective performance, which the White House must hope that few people watched.

Among other untruths, the president insisted, “Nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon.” Well, other than deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter. With regard to his super PAC ad claiming that Mitt Romney, in effect, killed a woman, President Obama maintained, “I don’t think Governor Romney is somehow responsible for the death of the woman that was portrayed in that ad. But keep in mind, this is an ad that I didn’t approve, I did not produce, and as far as I can tell, has barely run. I think it ran once.” Well, except the woman’s husband, Joe Soptic, was trotted out for an Obama campaign press conference.

Even more ludicrous was Obama’s answer on welfare reform. He said that Romney’s ad was a lie. But then he offered: “In fact, what happened was that my administration — responding to the requests of five governors, including two Republican governors — agreed to approve giving them, those states, some flexibility in how they manage their welfare rolls as long as it produced 20 percent increases in the number of people who are getting work.” In other words, they will let non-work count for work if the state promises to reduce the welfare rolls by 20 percent.

Obama also cemented his role as a bystander in his own administration. On Syria, he mused, “At this point the likelihood of a soft landing seems pretty distant.”

Remember how smart he was supposed to be in 2008? What happened?

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Uncomfortable truths your college won’t tell you, parts one and two.

INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS: CISG 2.0. I haven’t taught International Business Transactions in well over a decade, so I’m out of the loop on this stuff.

CURING THE “DEVIANT SUBCULTURE” OF GOVERNMENT: Philip K. Howard: Real People, Not Regulations, Are the Key to Accountability. “A revolution is required. Pruning the jungle is a fool’s errand. We must abandon the bureaucratic tangle and replace it with a radically simpler structure in which public goals are linked to individual responsibility.”

SEEN ON FACEBOOK: He came as soon as he heard.

ANOTHER ROBBERY FOILED BY A LITTLE OLD LADY WITH A GUN. “Out in Henderson, NC, an 87 year old lady persuaded two armed robbers to leave her house when they broke in at 3 AM. And by “persuaded” I mean that she showed them the handgun she was going to shoot them with if they didn’t exit the premises immediately. The best part is what the County Sheriff said.”

Why so many little old ladies? First, I think little old ladies have no illusion about their ability to protect themselves without a gun. Second, they’re old enough to have formed their attitudes before the wave of antigun hysteria that swept the United States between the late sixties and the early nineties.

HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? (CONT’D): Gas Prices Set Record High As Summer Draws To A Close. “AAA says drivers paid an average of $3.72 per gallon Monday, which is the highest price on record for Aug. 20. The auto club says more daily highs are likely over the next few weeks.”

Well, that should encourage people to move out of the evil suburbs and into nice, wholesome cities.

DANA LOESCH: Let’s Talk About Who Wants To Control Women. Women use a disproportionate share of our nation’s healthcare resources, so naturally any rationing is going to hit them first.

“Although women tend to love the notion of government control more than men do, it is women who will be told they’ll have to cut back. On treatments. And years. You know we’ve been taking more than our share.”

I’m thinking of starting a nonprofit — call it, say, the Center For Gender Equity In Healthcare — that will work to equalize spending between men and women. Kinda like a Title IX for healthcare, you know?

THIS IS A REALLY GOOD-LOOKING CAR. I wish Ford had built it. They still could!


COMMERCIAL SPACE UPDATE: Last spring private industry successfully sent a spacecraft carrying cargo to the International Space Station. Now the race is on to see which company will be the first to make commercial human spaceflight a reality. “Robert Braun, Georgia Tech professor of space technology, and his research team – Research Engineer Jenny Kelly and engineering graduate students Zach Putnam and Mike Grant – are working with SNC on the design of an advanced guidance algorithm that will make the most of the Dream Chaser’s superior aerodynamic performance during re-entry and landing. Of the three companies selected by NASA to develop spaceships to taxi astronauts to and from the International Space Station, Sierra Nevada Corporation is the only one with a winged vehicle. It is designed to launch vertically and land on a runway, similar to the Space Shuttle. Boeing and SpaceX are developing capsules that would land in a body of water. Because the Dream Chaser is similar to the Space Shuttle, it could land using the same guidance algorithm the shuttle used. However, that algorithm, like the shuttle, is based on technology that is more than 40 years old; it does not take advantage of the onboard computing available for today’s space systems.”