CALORIE RESTRICTION NOT AS GOOD AT EXTENDING HUMAN LIVES as it is for mice. Bad news: You won’t live longer by skipping that cheeseburger. Good news: You won’t live longer by skipping that cheeseburger. . . .
UPDATE: A reader suggests I’m being too cute here. Probably right: “Not the case – there’s a subtle but important difference: CR isn’t as good at extending *maximum* human life span as it is at extending *maximum* animal life span, which is very different from its effects on how long you live within the human range. Calorie restriction will very likely extend your personal life span within the established human range by a) reducing visceral fat and b) through less well understood changes involving the rate at which biochemical damage accumulates in your cells – all of which leads to much less age-related disease, better health all-round, and a lower mortality rate.” Keep that in mind as you ponder the cheeseburger.