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DAVID BARON, CALL YOUR OFFICE: Danger in the Woods. “Mountain lions are not particularly tough creatures and can be dealt with using the hollowpoint ammunition and defensive-handgun calibers that one would use against human criminals. Grizzlies, black bear, and feral hogs are a good bit tougher due to strong muscles and big bones; a strong bullet that will give more penetration is indicated.”

Plus: “For goodness sake, DON’T PET THE BUFFALO!”

DAVID BARON, CALL YOUR OFFICE: Black Canada Lynx Caught on Camera For The First Time, And There’s Video.

Meanwhile, on of my Facebook friends was just sharing video of a cougar in the Smoky Mountains. Are they back, or did they never leave? When I was hiking as a teenager we came across a deer carcass with pawprints the size of my hand. They looked like mountain lion prints to us.

UPDATE: Fixed a typo, but it will live forever in puns in the comments.

DAVID BARON, CALL YOUR OFFICE: Bears, moose, deer in Massachusetts exploring more backyards looking for water amid severe drought: ‘We’ve received quite a few calls about moose coming up to peoples’ pools.’ “Wild animals are also being drawn to residential areas to search for food. The drought has impacted the supply of wild vegetation, so both moose and deer are chomping on peoples’ plantings more than usual. Bears rely on summer berries, which have been affected by the significant drought. As a result, bears are searching for food in residential areas more often than during a normal year, eating from bird feeders and chicken coops.”