MILTON FRIEDMAN ISN’T RUNNING THE SHOW ANYMORE: Kamala Harris Promises ‘Bold Experimentation’ like Franklin Roosevelt, but Americans Aren’t Lab Rats.

Steve responded:

Yes: FDR’s policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate.

And speaking of lefties, even Paul Krugman reluctantly admitted that it was only “the economic miracle of the 1940s“ – or as I like to call it, World War II – that ultimately jumpstarted the American economy. Prior to that, as Mark Steyn wrote, “Lots of other places — from Britain to Australia — took a hit in 1929 but, alas, they lacked an FDR to keep it going till the end of the Thirties. That’s why in other countries they refer to it as ‘the Depression,’ but only in the U.S. is it ‘Great.’”

“Why should the Soviets have all the fun remaking a world?”, FDR advisor Stuart Chase wrote at the conclusion to A New Deal, the 1932 book that gave the name to the series of FDR’s statist government policies that would go on to prolong the Great Depression for years. Kamala and Walz would update that to Communist China as they nodded in agreement with the sentiment.

UPDATE: In her interview tonight with fangirl Stephanie Ruhle, Kamala is boldly experimenting with the word “holistic” in sentences:

(Classical reference in headline.)