HOW FAUCI’S INNER CIRCLE PROTECTED WUHAN: The full story of the relationship between Tony Fauci, the former NIAID Administrator and highest-paid federal employee in the country, and China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology may never be known, but Emily Kopp at U.S. Right to Know advances the ball in a major way today.

“Some of the NIAID officials who helped [EcoHealth Alliance chief Peter] Daszak were key to approving his coronavirus research in Wuhan in the first place, including gain-of-function research, research that can enhances the pathogenicity or transmissibility of a pathogen.

“Some of these NIAID officials had spent years championing gain-of-function research as worth the risks, congressional transcripts also show. Namely, [Fauci science advisor David] Morens and another NIAID employee named “Jeff T.” were the liaisons between the scientific community and Fauci during the years-long debates about gain-of-function research leading up to the pandemic, one email shows.

“After the pandemic arose, Morens and another NIAID scientist named Jeffery Taubenberger wrote an editorial defending EcoHealth and referred to people concerned about gain-of-function research as ‘luddites’ and ‘the complaining crowd.’

“Thousands of pages of grant proposals and other documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know show that EcoHealth planned to use the new NIAID funding to continue research similar to the work that had brought the group under scrutiny, using the very same viral samples. Most of the NIAID employees who helped Daszak maintain funding amid the pandemic still retain positions of influence at NIAID.”

That last sentence above is a big reason why you should take the time to read this report in its entirety.