THE NYC LOCKDOWN: an orgy of hypocrisy.

‘The only way I could do this job for the city was if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then’, he is recorded saying. Poor Dr Varma. We all remember what a tense time it was. Who could blame the man for getting off his head on ecstasy and going to a couple of orgies here and there?

Certainly not the Atlantic magazine, which published a piece last Friday with the headline, ‘Public-health officials should have been talking about their sex parties the whole time’. And no, this was not satire.

Dusting off NYC’s Covid rule book from 2020, the Atlantic notes that city guidance ‘discouraged – but did not forbid – group sex’. The piece helpfully points out that ‘Varma explained that he’d partied responsibly, noting “Everybody got tests and things like that”.’ There was no word from the Atlantic as to whether or not Varma managed to get his plums sucked by fellow orgy participants when the city guidelines were to only have group sex while ‘wear[ing] a face covering’. Quite the logistical challenge.

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In one recording, Varma states that right before he helped push through ‘the vaccine mandate’ in NYC in November 2021, he had a ‘wild night’ involving a dance party on a boat and then a rave with 200 other people underneath a bank. ‘Everyone was rolling, we were all taking molly [MDMA] and everybody was so high, and I was so happy because I hadn’t done that in like a year.’

Sadly for some New Yorkers, not all raves are created equal. There were clearly those attended by the likes of Varmar, which were reported on sympathetically by the New York Times. A 2021 article on the ‘thriving’ illegal rave scene quoted a DJ whose SoHo party was shut down, although the police were ‘very kind’ and gave everyone time to leave before issuing any fines.

The NYPD were less lenient towards raves in Queens – where the plebs live. One raid on an illegal rave in 2020 led to four arrests and over a dozen criminal-court-appearance tickets for misdemeanour offences. Other gatherings of the non-privileged classes were treated similarly harshly. In Borough Park, Brooklyn, cops cited five religious institutions for ‘holding services with more than 10 people’. Each violation came with a $15,000 fine.

The original subhead of the Atlantic piece was “At least it would have shown that they’re relatable.” Tell that to the people who couldn’t visit loved ones in nursing homes, go to funerals, lost their businesses due to lockdown, and/or had their kids’ education setback for years. As Charles Cooke wrote in 2021, “Of all the ills in all the world, duplicity is the hardest to recover from. And, despite the best efforts of our feckless smart set, there can be no herd immunity from its effects.”

UPDATE: Your children couldn’t go to school in 2020, but the elites could attend sex parties.