ACE OF SPADES: Hitpiece Media Goes After Alleged “Sexting” Affair Between RFKJr. and “Star” Political Reporter Olivia Nuzzi.

Here are some articles about this “emotional, digital relationship” which some are calling “an affair” and the Kennedy camp is calling “a set-up” by a “journalist” with sketchy ethics and maybe a Fatal Attraction itch in her pants.

Olivia Nuzzi is a “star” reporter, which means she worked for the unprofessional scandal sheet The Daily Beast. Only in a shithole country would that Animal House* of trashcan Marxists be considered a journalistic outlet which could launch a career.

She then began working for New York magazine. That is itself a Democrat propaganda sheet (and celebrity gossip site) masquerading as “journalism.”

She’s now been suspended for having formed some kind of “personal relationship” with a subject she was covering — RFKJr. — and not informing her bosses about it.

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I don’t know what to think here.

I guess, first of all: Journalists are a mentally-ill, morally rotten lot. They tend to be psychopaths or borderline psychopaths. They routinely deceive people into revealing personal information that they then use to destroy those people. Yes, this is the job, but what kind of psychopath wants that kind of job?

Second, one of these stories reports that New York Magazine knew about this “relationship,” whatever it was, for months. So why reveal it now? Well, you reveal it now to destroy RFKJr., to keep his endorsement from helping Trump.

Third, the affair, or almost-affair, between “reporter” and “source” is common in DC. The entire town is filled with sluts, adulterers, cads, and outright perverts. But the DC press corps refuses to report on this out of “professional courtesy,” and Mutual Assured Destruction.

But they decided to risk the M.A.D. because it was really, really important to them to Get Trump.

95% of all press behavior (and bureaucrat behavior) of the past eight years is explained by this. They keep breaking all rules and violating all codes of ethics — or, here, a prudent group agreement to keep all of their many, many affairs and grotesque sexual deviancies private — because the imperative of stopping Trump is more important than any ethic, rule, or prudent social compact about hiding everyone’s affairs.

Exit quote:

* How dare you insult the august all-American institution that is Faber College’s Delta Tau Chi fraternity, the original stomping grounds of that champion of the oppressed, Senator John F. Blutarsky, good sir!