ROGER L SIMON: Trump Finally Correct about Jewish Vote.

It all began during the administration of Barack H. Obama, the man who ignored the brave freedom demonstrators in the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities in favor of negotiating a useless nuclear deal with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Obama, as an inducement, lifted sanctions on Iran, even added a small fortune—$400 million— under the radar in cash. Two days later he sweetened the deal with another $1.3 billion.

The mullahs were supposed to use this money to help their impoverished people. Obama, who is not an idiot, could not have possibly believed that, but for reasons too depressing to write about went ahead.

Fortunately, Trump was elected in 2016 and reimposed sanctions on Iran and pulled out of the nuclear deal. We all know what happened. No war in the Middle East. Four years of peace. (No Ukraine War either.).

Then, Joe Biden comes in, lifts the sanctions, the mullahs make untold billions on oil and ship the spoils to Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and all those ever-changing terror outfits scattered across Iraq and Syria and we have years of carnage with rapes, kidnappings, endless deaths with no end in sight.

Does that sound too simple, even stupid?

That’s because it is.

What’s not simple is why our administration actually gave the Iranians the money to do this.

Read the whole thing.

Related: Here’s How Far Down the Road to WWIII Biden-Harris Has Taken Us.