“AMERICAN POLICY”? WUT? OK, AOC has never been accused of being the brightest candle in the church. Fine. But her comments on the pager-bombing of Hezbollah terrorists defies any comprehension of foreign policy.

Just the News reported that Squad Member Sandy says that:

“Yesterday my House office was tagged with blood-splattered signs accusing me of supporting terrorism after I questioned the pager operation, which clearly runs counter to US policy,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a post on X. “They must live under a rock to not know I don’t take well to bullies.”

No, if it’s true, I can’t support vandalism, although given her track record of making sh*t up, I’m not convinced that it was “blood.” I’ve seen no Capitol Police reports confirming that.

But the real point is where in the world does she get off tying “US policy” to the pager attacks? Even her pals at Hamas and Hezbollah haven’t suggested any evidence that the US was involved.

More importantly, and the question IP readers should ask is why she and Omar Ilhan, Rashida Tlaib, Hakeem Jeffries, and other squad members are consistently silent on how female genital mutilation, capital punishment for being gay, and using civilians as human shields is off the table as to U.S. policy. Those are not part of U.S. policy, but…crickets.

Could it be that the disease of DEI automatically gives such barbaric human rights abuses a free pass? “You don’t understand,” say the Democratic apologists. “We have no right to judge their cultural differences.”

And god forbid Kamala Harris make a meaning statement on this issue.