JOHN KASS: Leftist Media Hyenas Hamstring Amy Jacobson; Quarters Boyle is dead and Chicago Tribune Becomes a Combine Laughingstock.

“Time to move past rueful chuckles about Chicago and Illinois’ corrupt and damaging ways

What? No rueful chuckles?

This is pathetic and beneath contempt. Why? Because the Tribune has studiously ignored its own institutional support of political corruption. The pretentious and imperious editorial ignored the important stuff like the corruption of President Barack Obama, who connived to unleash the Deep State Intelligence Agencies against conservatives like Donald Trump. And mysterious toilets of Gov. Fat Boy of Illinois. They go after old Irish guys who can’t hurt them, old men in their 80s, while the city of Chicago falls apart. The paper allows the architects of failure—Toni Preckwinkle, Kim Foxx, the CTU’s Stacy Davis Gates and Brandon Johnson—to skate away as the city burns.

As former conservative Illinois gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives noted on “X” the Tribune’s corruption series was a joke.

What the editorial ignored was corruption of the newspaper. It ran interference for the legions of Tribune-endorsed Democrat and Republican legislators who supported generations of corruption in Springfield mostly, and Chicago. The newspaper kept Boss Madigan in power through its endorsement of spineless legislators. And it avoided the key fact:

Tribune political editor Rick Pearson has been cheerleader and mascot of the infamous bi-partisan  Illinois Combine for decades. And the Tribune knows it.

To not acknowledge Pearson as the Combine’s prized pet is to slap the readers of the Tribune again and again and again. He’s repeatedly been arrested for DUI in Springfield. He was on George Ryan’s infamous favored favorites list. Ryan dipped down and gave Pearson’s wife a job. I objected loudly to him directly. And to the bosses. Still the Tribune kept him on the payroll, damaging the paper’s credibility.  If the soon-to-be indicted Combine boss Big Bill Cellini was mentioned, the Combine boys would snicker at the newspaper.  Tribune bosses protected him. That’s how they roll. The Tribune knows about Pearson. The editors know. The politicians know. Even left-wing carrion eaters like Erik Zorn and Marxist Tribune union boss Greg Pratt know.

The left was let into the Tribune Tower, metastasized and helped kill a great institution. The editors allowed it to fester. And it became poisonous, toxic.
