MICHAEL BARONE: The ‘White Dudes for Harris’ Zoom call was… weird.

Today, gender is more relevant. “Gender polarization,” the Atlantic’s Derek Thompson wrote, “is the skeleton key of the 2024 election.” To which the Washington Examiner’s Conn Carroll replied, “It isn’t gender, it’s marriage.”

In support of that proposition, he quoted exit poll findings that both married men and married women favor Republicans by similar, in this case statistically indistinguishable, margins (59%-39% and 56%-42%), while there are huge differences between unmarried men (52%-45% Republican) and unmarried women (68%-31% Democratic). Thompson noted a similarly wide divide in this year’s polling between divorced men (56% Trump) and single women (29% Trump).

Those results are not atypical. The good news for Republicans is that three out of four groups favor their side. The good news for Democrats is that, in a society in which, contrary to the midcentury model, marriage is not universal, unmarried women are numerous and overwhelmingly on their side.

Normalize weirdness, claim marriage and children are weird, make more Democrats.

Long term, of course, there are problems — but nothing that opening the border won’t “fix.”