SOMETIMES IT HELPS TO BE THE CRAZIEST GUY IN THE ROOM: Wesley Hunt reflects on Trump threat to Taliban leaders: ‘My favorite President Trump story.’

Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX) argued former President Donald Trump was able to keep the United States safe from its enemies, recounting his “favorite” story of Trump when he negotiated with Taliban leaders.

Hunt explained how Trump wanted “a conditions-based withdrawal” of U.S. troops from Afghanistan when he and then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were negotiating with Taliban leaders. During these negotiations, Trump told Taliban leaders that he would kill them “if you harm a hair on a single American,” prompting the translator present with them to appear stunned.

“And Trump goes, ‘Tell him. Just tell him what I said!’” Hunt said on The Sage Steele Show. “Reached into his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban’s home, and handed it to him, got up, and walked out the room.”

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