DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: New Columbia administrator texts show deans discussing Jewish student ‘privilege’ and ‘$$$$,’ and bashing Hillel leader as a ‘problem.’

Columbia University administrators said Jewish students occupied a “place of privilege,” called a Hillel official a “problem” and wrote “Amazing what $$$$ can do,” during a panel on Jewish campus life in May, newly released text messages showed.

Columbia had already suspended three of the four administrators involved after photos of some of the texts were first published last month. Now, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, which is investigating antisemitism at Columbia and other campuses, has obtained and released the full text message exchanges.

While elements of the text messages have been previously reported, the full exchanges show the university officials downplaying students’ concerns about antisemitism, bashing the head of the school’s Hillel and suggesting that Jewish students received attention because of money.

The conversations were conducted while the administrators were attending a May 31 panel discussion titled “Jewish Life on Campus: Past, Present, and Future.”

Why are Democratic Party monopoly organizations such cesspits of antisemitism?